Chapter Twenty-Six (part two)

Start from the beginning

For a moment, I felt kind of guilty...

About what?! A little voice in my head snapped.

"Am I interrupting?" A dark voice asked from behind.

Instantly, my lips tugged up on that goofy smile that was pretty much glued at my face whenever Scott was around.

Sam turned to look at him frowning, while I heard Hugh gasp and mutter, "holy crap..."

I twirled to see Hugh's mouth completely open, pretty much gaping at Scott. I couldn't help myself and a small chuckle left my lips.

"And who the fuck are you?" Sam asked defensively.

Scott narrowed his eyes at him and shrugged, "I'm expected...the question is..." his voice darkened, "who the bloody hell are you?"

Sam stood up straighter. Oh please... as if he could keep up with Scott...

"I'm Emily's fiancé"

Scott's eyes glanced at me at the same time I felt my blood boil and I narrowed my eyes at Sam.

How dare he?!

"Ex-fiancé" I stressed out. "And you were just leaving." I passed beside him to grab Scott's hand so he could finally enter my empty house.

Sam grabbed my arm and growled, "We.Need.To.Talk." His fingers were painfully digging in my arm.

Scott snarled at him, "Get your fucking hand off her."

"Or what?" Sam raised an eyebrow.

"Or we will." Sean coldly answered standing in front of Scott and me.

I noticed Carl was right behind Scott. They were in full bodyguard mode. They were both sending daggers to Sam and at the same time were surveying the street. I guess they weren't trying to gain attention or something...not that it would help, since an old lady was already gaping at us and from afar this would be kind of the interesting-gossiping situation one could find amusing.

Just not when you were in the middle.

"Oh for God's sake! Just leave, Sam!" I pulled free my arm as he was still glaring at the three guys that were now in full overprotective mode.

"I still want to talk to you...I didn't come here for nothing" he said scowling.

"Well, I don't want to talk to you, ok?" I placed my hand on Sean's shoulder trying to push him so I could go back inside, but he pretty much ignored me.

Scott squeezed my hand and when I turned to look at him, he gave me a small smile and shook his head. Pretty much telling me to stay still because they weren't moving at all. Not only until Sam left, I presumed.

I glared heatedly at Sean's back but he still didn't move an inch.

"Seriously Sam. Please go away" I added defeated.

He stared at me for a moment before frowning. After a second, he turned away and climbed down the stairs effectively going away.

Before he left, he turned to me, "I love you Emily. I know I made a mistake, but I love you...and I'm not giving up on you..." his eyes brimmed tears and his voice broke at the last part.

Wide eyed and pretty much shocked, I stood frozen looking where he had crossed the street.

He seemed sincere...and really sad and broken...

My stomach clenched.

After all this time, I had concluded that Sam really didn't love me. But seeing him like that, so broken...

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