"You moving in with me." he says. "What?" I ask. "You moving in with me." "Why?" "Because Amukelani based on what I've learned about you, you don't listen to anyone's instructions unless it's serious so chances of you taking this serious is as close to 0."

"It's okay I will take him seriously we don't have to move in together." I say. "You moving in until you get better." he says. "I don't do vat 'n sit with guys." "This is not one just treat it as a vacation." "You not taking no for an answer." He nods and i chuckle. "Fine only for a couple of days and the minute I'm better I'm out of your house."

"And its a win win situation for us cause we get to spend more time together and learn more about each other." he says. "Okay. Might as well take a leave." "Week's leave." "It has to be shorter cause I'll go back home for a week."

"3 days is okay and you will stay even after those three days." he says. "Fine then i can agree on that." I say. "I'm glad we could reach an understand without fighting." I chuckle. "I mean we are civilized so fights won't necessarily occur between us." "You lucky you dating a civilized man." "Same goes for you." We chuckle.

He climbs on the bed and gives me a hug. I'm addicted to the way he smells and his hugs give me butterflies. "You'll be better." he says. "Thank you. You the best boyfriend in the world." I say. "Say that a little louder I can't hear you." "Best boyfriend in the world." "Give me a kiss Ms. Stress is causing me to faint." I roll my eyes and peck his lips.

"I can't believe you consider that a kiss." he says and pouts. He looks so cute when he is pouting. "You look so cute right now." I say. "Don't try changing the topic." "I'm not I'm just saying you cute when you pout." He rolls his eyes.

"Okay fine askies let me give you a proper one." I say. (sorry.) I kiss him and i can feel him smirking. "You always give in so easily when it comes to such." he says. "No i don't." "Yes you do and i find that very nice cause that means I'll win every single time." I laugh.

"Lay on my chest." he says. "Okay." I lie on his chest and sigh. He starts massaging my head and i must admit that it feels really good. You know that feeling when you get when your partner does something nice for you...like that giddy one yeah that's how I'm feeling right now. I know I shouldn't be feeling such but his taking care of me even on my death bed.

"Will your toiletries be enough this side?" he asks. "Yeah it will be enough." I say. "Then let's go." I get off the bed and he holds my hand. His hands are warm and big...since when do we comment about people's hands...ask no questions, hear no lies subconscious.

I sign the discharge papers and we leave. We get inside the car and i connect my phone to the radio and shuffle my playlist and the song Best of me by Tsoul starts playing.

I'm tryna let you know just how I really feel about you
Cause since I met you i don't think i wanna live without you
You keep me laughing baby girl there's just something about you
That makes me feel like you are special
And everytime I see your face I crack a smile
You warm me up inside and baby I'm so happy now

He holds my hand while we sing the song together. I can't wait to do this with my real boyfriend cause I'll definitely be enjoying it wholeheartedly...aren't you enjoying it wholeheartedly right now...I actually am but you get what I'm saying... elaboration and clarification has never hurt anyone...okay I am just shut up and let me enjoy in peace

We get back to his place and we go inside. "I was about to show you around but then i remembered you know this place." he says and i laugh. "I would like a tour please Mr. Khoza if you don't mind." I say. "I think you should rest then we can tour later on."

"Fine." I sulk. "You the one that looks cute right now." he says. "This isn't the time to compliment me when I'm annoyed." "Askies. Give me a hug." (Sorry.) I give him a hug and he spanks my butt. "That is assault." "It never has been when we both consented."

"I don't remember saying yes to such and i dont remember you asking." I say. "You did in your mind and i read it so I spanked you." he says and i laugh. "You see there you go now no more sulking and let's get some rest."

We go upstairs to his bedroom and i change into his t-shirt and my pjama shorts. I sit on the bed and take out my phone to check my messages.

"I wanna tell you something." he says. "You dying?" I ask. "I'm not the dying type." "Okay what do you wanna tell me." "I'm going out with friends on the 26th." "Okay that's perfect cause I'll be gone around that time so we will be away from each other and have some fun." "Yep." "Just don't touch another female cause she will wind up dead." "Same goes for your men." We chuckle.

"When are you going back to Joburg?" he asks. "I want to go back around the beginning of November or when I come back from the trip on Sunday." I say. "Okay then enjoy your trip and tell them about your boyfriend." "They'll know the day when I'm married." We chuckle.

"Ugcewele ukudlala wena. Sleep ke sthandwa sami and get all the rest you want and need and that you have been deprived off due to work." he says. (You are full of games...my love.) "Peck my lips then I'll sleep properly." I say. He pecks my lips and i close my eyes.

I'm glad I'm okay and it's nothing serious. I wasn't ready to have a death bed at such a young age and I'm to pretty to die young. It's better of when you old cause you'll be ugly. But other then that I'm glad i ain't dead or lying in a ditch somewhere and anyways there are territories we need to take over before I die...

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