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(I know Minghao has NOTHING to do with this story, but look at how HOT he was when the performance unit visited i-land. iM mElTiNg)

(sorry, let me start)

Sunghoon's POV

After we left the cafe, I decided to drive Sakura home, like I always do. But this time was different. Normally, she would just be shit-talking Sunoo. But today, she kept saying the same thing over and over again after each sentence. Each starting with the same thing, and continuing with something new. 

"But did you SEE how Sunoo kept LOOKING AT YOU? He looked like a slut when they see the boy they WANT with someone else! I swear, one day, I'm going to RUIN him! And your gonna help, right baby?~" she said.

"Y-yeah, of course!" I hesitated. Yeah, I hate him, but I didn't want to help her RUIN him.

"Baby, you sound hesitant, are you ok? You hate Sunoo, right?" 

"Yeah I'm fine, I was just thinking about something." 

" You seem stressed, do you want me to help you?" Sakura said in a flirty tone. I immediately knew what she meant by that. 

"No I'm not stressed. I'm fine." 

At this point, we were already at Sakura's place and I pulled into the empty driveway.

"Looks like my parents aren't home, you should come inside!" Sakura responded.

"S-sure, I'll come inside." 

Sakura unlocked the front door and took off her shoes. I followed, also taking my shoes off. We walked in and she led me to her room, where we sat down on a small pink couch she had.

"So," She got closer to me and put her hand on my face. "what do you want to do?" She asked flirtatiously.

"I don't think I should be here, so im just gonna go home." I tried to get up and leave but she stopped me.

"Hoon, do it with me." she said boldly.


"I want you to fuck me." she said pressing her chest against mine.

"Sakura," I slightly pushed her away. "I don't want to, sorry, I just don't think I'm ready for that."

Suddenly, her expression changed and her eyes widened. She looked confused but also a bit disgusted. 

"It's because of him, isn't it?" she said while backing away. "It's because of Sunoo, right?" she added. My eyes widened. "No! fuck no! I don't even LIKE him!" I said while shaking my head with a disgusted face. Honestly, I don't even know if I hate Sunoo or not. But to her, I have to make it seem like I hate him. She started smiling and got closer, her nose about to touch mine. 

"Then do It with me, you know, sex?" 

"B-bu-but I d-do-don't-"

"Please baby, if you truly love me, you'd do it"

I hesitated before answering with "F-fine, I'll do it"


Third Person POV


"Hyung, calm down." Jungwon was trying to calm down his hyung. Sunoo was livid. They were closing up the cafe since it was a Thursday. On Thursdays, the cafe closes early. Sunoo was cleaning tables and Jungwon was sweeping the floor. Sunoo looked over at the younger. "NO, I WON'T CALM DOWN. DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" Sunoo yelled while throwing the rag in the sink. 

(HyunA and dawn dish soap broke up....I don't believe in love anymore)

"Hyung," the younger said while patting his back "Please, stop yelling"

Sunoo walked away from the younger and went to the back. He got his things and said "I'm going home now, I'll see you at home. Bye Won, be safe" he walked out of the door and started walking to his and Jungwon's apartment. It was 5 pm and since its winter, it was pretty dark out. Some street lamps were flickering while the rest were off. He heard something behind him so he turned around. Then suddenly, he felt a hand over his mouth and nose. He tried screaming for help but that only tired him. He then passed out.  He was tied up and thrown into a van by his kidnapper.

"Yeah, we got him. Mhm, alright. So, I'll take him to your house? Hmm, alright got it. Bye"

I didn't want to have to end it here, but I'm in school rn and I have work to do so I'm going to stop right here for this chapter. Please let me know if you like it and if you want me to write more stories like this. Alright I have to go now, Bye, thanks for reading! Ily<3

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