The Meeting

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A/N Question: would you like your character so the main character to be force sensitive or shall we stay normal?

Kenobi's pov:

"Now remember Anakin we are only going to talk we don't want to start a fight especially not on their ship" I said hoping he wouldn't accidentally put us at odds with the mystery ship let alone purposely start a fight."Of course Master when have I ever started a fight before attempting diplomacy?" Anakin proudly rebutted. "Do you really want me to answer that?" I questioned before getting interrupted thankfully by the pilot "We will be landing shortly, they seem to be guiding us with lights to an area we can land".

Your pov:

As I made my way towards the makeshift landing area I realised I should have just opened the port hangar and met them there since it would have been quicker for both them to land and me to get there. 10 minutes later I opened the hatch to the outside of the hull at the foremost gun preparing to try and communicate with them... Wait are those humans how are there humans here, no no they might just look human they may be like the Garmilans similar visually different genetically. No, actually not important. I need to try and communicate first and foremost. (A/N for ease I am just going to say they speak English though alien races I will type in English but put native language or something to clarify) "Ok here goes nothing...First do you speak English it will be rather difficult to commune otherwise" I questioned trying to come of as friendly at least. "Well I don't know what you mean by English but it seems we share the same dialect, My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi a jedi general of the republic and you are?" Kenobi replied "right my name is Y/N captain and sole crew member of the Space Battleship Vengeance and member of the United Nations Cosmo Fleet pleasure to make your acquaintance. Now I must ask what planet is this and what is the name of this galaxy I don't recognise it" I replied hoping to finally figure out where we ended up "The planet we are on is Jabiim and well the galaxy is the Skyriver galaxy (A/N I am using a name I don't think is canon but I have heard was a planned name for the galaxy used by a species that travelled to it) now before I answer more questions I must know where do you come from I have never heard of the United Nations Cosmo Fleet nor have I seen any ships with designs quite like yours." Kenobi answered. "I suppose that's a long story that should probably be saved for another time from what I have seen your in the middle of some kind of war" I stated unsure whether or not I should tell the full story I continued "Though I suppose I may be able to help somewhat with that if you were to give details of your opponents ships." "Well you are right about us being in a war but what do you mean by you may be able to help?"

...(time skip of like 20 minutes just more talking went on but I wanted to break the part up a bit more otherwise it would have been a single long piece of conversation between Y/N and Kenobi with a few words from Anakin)

I suppose I should have expected him to question at least that much though I am glad he didn't push the matter further. I don't know if I can trust them enough to explain the wave motion guns yet alone their destructive power. Instead of heading back to the main bridge I went straight to the research room so I could try and decipher the data disc they gave me. "Hey Vengeance, can you decrypt this data disc? We share the same language so it is not a stretch to say we share the same coding styles and if we don't then well we can always hack it and then use that ability to our advantage whenever necessary." I said with a slightly raised voice a slight sound of urgency slipping through it "Yes sir I can probably get into it may I ask why though?" vengeance replied curiosity fleeing from the advanced AI's voice. "Right I suppose I haven't told you but do I really need to explain since you probably heard everything going on." I replied, staying suspicious of the AI. "Yeah you're right it was a good idea to have pretty much the entire ship covered in sensors I have everything set up already put the disc down i will have the data in 5 minutes"

A/N so what do we think, are you and the Vengeance going to go guns blazing against the separatists or are you going to fight for them or will you fight for no one and only destroy those who threaten you and your own plans be them sinister or benevolent or will you just try and get home 

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