Some kind of plan

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This is just something I am going to use to make a list of any plans or ideas for the continuation of this story. Mainly this will allow you readers to get a feel for roughly where this story is going. 

Well in regards to the battles and that I think that I am probably going to mostly ignore the main timeline, the main timeline will remain the same but droid fleets will increase in size and stuff like that but any main timeline battles I will mostly be ignoring as that will allow me to reduce the changes I would make to the main timeline and instead I am going to use the fall of the republic mod for empire at war and several submods to increase sheer numbers using the idea that the Separatists likely had hundred if not thousands times the numbers of warships and soldiers than the republic and now with a new force that is wielding technology that makes them basically invincible that has allied itself with the republic I can see Palpatine starting to bring a lot more ships to the war on the side of the CIS to try and remove the force that could cause him a lot of unpredictable problems. As I have said many times I would be happy to hear any feedback about this. Right now this is about as far as my plans go for this.  (September 19 2023)

(September 27 2023) Well I have played around with a few ideas and I think I am going to go with this one. So I think there will be around 15 more chapters for this story. I am going to have 8 or so focusing around non canon battles that I get from my empire at war fall of the republic game, at least 2 will focus from the battle of coruscant to order 66 and the rest will be a mix of canon battles/events and a few focused on just exploring the main characters relationship with the people of the galaxy, who know maybe a one person crusade against the hutts and their slavery, maybe a raid on the zygerians we will see but as of now this is the current plan.

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