A shipyard threat.

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A/N It's been a while since I posted a proper update but here we go, I figured I can play in a few things and start with a non canon part, hope you all like it and I will try and be a bit more regular in posting again and of course any feedback is encouraged as it really helps out. 

I awoke with a jolt, a cold sweat covering my body, whilst I was seemingly out of breath, "Sir are you alright, I noticed a spike in your heart rate.". As expected of the Vengeance, "I am fine, just an odd dream or I suppose it would be more akin to a nightmare, though it felt too real for just my imagination, and some of the people in it I have never met." I spoke up as my body seemed to go back to normal, "Anything you want to share? Even when it seemed we were all there was between Earth and destruction you didn't seem this shaken." Vengeance asked with a surprising amount of care for an artificial being. "Well with Earth I knew no matter what just like everyone else, Yamato would always stand to protect her, a defiant and stubborn ship like that with a crew who clearly didn't grow up with any kind of gambling around them with the odds they fight with, well I suppose that's all you need to know about them to know they would fight until hell itself froze if it meant Earth would survive. Though let us get back on the topic of this questionable dream of mine, I saw a broadcast from Chancellor Palpatine, he said something about a Jedi rebellion failing, an attempt on his life leaving him scarred and deformed and that he was reforming the Republic into a Galactic Empire, I believe I saw the Jedi's temple on the planet Coruscant in flames, the result of some kind of purge. I tried contacting Ahsoka, Skywalkers new apprentice, for some reason, something to do with her being alone on a republic starship and the clones having turned against the jedi, I would find her and Rex and gave them refuge, within a few hours I declared war on the empire and then they, they made a mistake and used something, a ship or maybe a battlestation, as big as a moon with a superlaser and they used it, a superweapon they could destroy a planet with and they used it. So what would I do but wipe out the republic fleet, I used the wave motion gins, all of them and ended it there and then" I explained as I decided to get up so I can go through some of the data we got from General Kenobi. "Sir, do you know why all of the clones would turn on their jedi generals? From what we have seen most of the clones have a great respect for their Jedi, I doubt they would just execute them." Vengeance responded though for this I didn't have an answer, "No, I have no idea what could have happened, though there is no use worrying about this any more, after all it was merely a dream." I replied as I left my room to head to the information centre.

As I sat going through the data on the disc we were given I started to notice some things that didn't seem to add up. The main thing I saw that left me questioning was the known Separatist fleet, how can so many planets and several massive corporations only field so few ships, they must have thousands of capital ships alone ignoring their fighter craft and escort ships and yet the largest fleet I have seen was the 9 ship fleet I fought when I first arrived here. Even the data on the Separatist ships at the first battle of the clone wars only had mostly transport ships with 60 core ships for those lucrehulk class vessels and 286 hardcell transports with their entire escort appearing to have been made solely 41 diamond class cruisers. Whilst at first glance this looks like a large number of vessels only 41 of them were actually armed being the diamond cruisers and even then those are small picket cruisers at 200 metres long. The Separatist fleets should have more than enough ships to just overwhelm the Coruscant defences and end the war in an instant, even with all the Jedi there I doubt they could defeat a full Separatist invasion at this stage of the war. "Vengeance, I need you to run some simulations on this war using all the data we have, I need you to check for any possible reason the Separatists don't just take the capital planet Coruscant when from everything I can think of they could easily take it and force the Republic to listen to their demands without just invading planet after planet driving the populace to choose the Republic, it just doesn't make sense." I said whilst I tried to think of any possible explanation for this. "I will get on it now Sir".

After a few hours Vengeance had completed thousands of simulations and in only a few could a possible reason be thought of as to why the Separatist navy hasn't just overwhelmed Coruscant, one of them being gravely concerning. In most of them it involved something about the Jedi temple possibly being unknown to us, like some kind of powerful weapon or shield generator, others just the capabilities of the Jedi themselves being enough to protect Coruscant through the power of the thing they call the force. Yet neither of these scenarios were as concerning as two of the simulations, it was a puppeteering act, the better but less feasible was the possibility of the Separatists controlling the senate by using Palpatine as a pupper, but were they to do that then why start a war if they already had the Chancellor in their pocket. So that of course left only one other concerning simulation where the republic wins, the opposite is happening, somehow Palpatine is in control of both sides and is using this war to get more power to himself, something that would allow him to control the galaxy with little to no opposition. This idea was the most terrifying to me as it aligned too well with that damned dream I had, but for now I see it as too far fetched and infeasible to be the case and yet I have myself wondering what could I really do if that were to be the case, would I keep helping the Republic or would I choose to stop a dictator in the making, save this galaxy from a state my own planet has dealt with before in many gruesome conflicts. Though as is becoming common this would have to wait for a while as I have other work to do.

"Y/N, good to have you join us we are just awaiting General Skywalker and then we can begin" Yularen stated when I joined the holographic meeting. "And here I was thinking I might very well be late." I responded in a joking manner. "Sorry I am late, I was training with Ahsoka, did I miss anything?" Anakin asked as he joined. "No General we waited for you to join us, now since we are all here shall we begin?" Yularen questioned "Yes, so if someone could tell me what this meeting is for I would be grateful." I spoke up still in the dark about everything; "Of course, if everyone would direct their attention to the planet I am putting on screen we can get this meeting underway." Kenobi spoke this time as a planet with a large artificial ring came into view "The planet Foerost is looking like our next target due to its location and capabilities, the planet has one of the few truly heavy warship shipyards similar to the Kuat drive yards shipyards and as such is a major threat to the war effort if it remains in operation under Separatist control but if we can take it we will be able to break the back of the Separatist core world defences which should allow us to end this war faster." This time it was a different Jedi master, I believe his name was Mace Windu, who spoke. "However due to its importance the planet is well defended, not including what ships they are constructing now the planets defence forces are not to be underestimated numbering 1 Lucrehulk class battleship, 4 Providence class carrier/destroyers, 3 Recusant class light destroyers, 8 Munificent class star frigates as well as 24 more support ships of varying class, they also have a Golan 2 star base defending it and of course the shipyard itself, we have also had reports from our spies of a planetary ion cannon and defensive satellite grids. Needless to say, this will be a costly battle and that's where we hope you will come in Y/N. If you will accept, we ask that you and your ship launch an attack alongside the 501st, 212th and 187th clone battalions in an assault on the planet." I stood there thinking for a moment contemplating what the best move in this would be "When do you plan on launching this attack?" I asked, wondering if it would give enough time for a couple of my escort vessels to be built. "The attack is scheduled for 5 days from now, after the clones have had a rest and the ships finish repairs and rearming." Yularen chimed in. "However, if we want to come up with an in depth plan for this, we will need your answer now." Windu continued. "I understand, then yes I will join you for this battle. The quicker we can stop the Separatist navy being able to build large scale warships the faster we can end this war and the more lives we can keep from being affected more than they already have." I replied "Though we shall have to move to planning the attack tomorrow as I need to do a full check on my base and on the construction of my warships." I continued. "Understood, then we shall reconvene tomorrow to begin planning the assault, I recommend we all use this time to do a check on our forces so we can plan as accurately as possible." Kenobi joined in before disconnecting. I followed disconnecting from the meeting before going over the forces I currently have access to.This next battle will be a good way to see both Republic and Separatist battle strategies but I suppose that's something for another day as for now I have work to do.

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