A/N and a couple questions

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I haven't been updating this nearly as much as before but that's because of 3 reasons  1 the device I was using (a chromebook I got from my school 4 years ago) was falling apart literally in some cases so I had to stop to preserve it for longer. That issue is no longer present as I have a new one which will run smoother as well so expect updates again soon. Reason 2 is well it's the christmas period and other things more personal were going on so I had to take a break from most of what I was doing anyways. And finally and the reason I want to ask some questions is I am not sure how to continue after the battle of Jabiim. So on to the questions  any answers will be greatly appreciated and will certainly contribute to the story.

Ok so like I said I am not sure of how to continue it from here so I want to ask about a few methods I thought of and which people would think to be best. Method 1 is I take a chronological list of all clone wars episodes and pick ones here and there to roughly follow the story of and go from that so basically each new chapter after Jabiim will be based of a certain episode in the clone wars all the way until revenge of the sith where I will probably have the character go into a kind of stasis or something whilst the AI is working on methods to get them home and then have things start up again starting from the star wars rebel time period and do the same thing from there since whilst it would be fun I don't plan on straight up wiping the empire out as it starts.  

Method 2 is I just take random planets and battles and throw together battles completely at random with some assistance from the game empire at war using the fall of the republic mod to get mass battle numbers(I will be using this sparingly in the other method as well as it gives me much larger fleets than say 3 venators vs 4 munificents and a lucrehulk or just 4 munificents etc) and then the end of the empire before it begins with the character discovering the plot and going from there.

Method 3 is a bit of a mix between the 1 and 2 where I do exactly what I said in method 1 but also use some custom chapters covering other battles  I forgot to mention but of course some chapters will be just the character and the AI doing stuff to develop the character and stuff like that.

On to question 2. Do you think the character should get a massive base they can build new ships in or just a small base where the vengeance can go into the equivalent of dry dock. If its the larger base we can build more custom designs maybe or just a couple more vengeance class ships and then smaller ships from 2202 so andromeda class,  dreadnought class, e class destroyers, d class frigates, Kongo class, Murasame class, Isokaze class etc speaking of which I did come up with some names for vengeance class ships that are synonyms so I think work and since in the story i would have them built at the same time if I did do it  this would be the battleships Revenge and Retribution  if I made it a 5 ship class then the other 2 ships would be antonyms of the word as their job would be defending planets the words I think I would use are Grace and Forgiveness. 

Lastly question 3. I would like to know what people are calling their character and also if you all have any ideas for a name for the AI since I have it running as if it were a person in a way with it being able to feel emotions kind of  I am not sure if I want to make it able to feel emotions like a person completely or not but I might as it could add more depth to the story and give me another perspective to look at things from but yeah any name ideas since calling both the ship and the AI vengeance could get confusing for someone who is not familiar with the vessel in the story. And finally since if I am making a large base to build ships in I will need suggestions on how quickly ships would be built of course but also names for the ships since I won't just name them as if they were a droid with a letter or 2 followed by a series of numbers.

That's all for the questions I have and the story should be getting an update hopefully before next year. Have fun hope you all had a happy holidays and all that. 

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