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It was a few days before Kyla's due date, her doctors had explained that due dates were simply estimates. But Kyla could feel that the baby would make an early arrival, what used to be kicks, were now full on body movements. She could see the little hands and feet trying to practically break out.

King aswell as Kyla's aunt have been doing everything they can to make her as comfortable as possible. But right now she was trying to simply relax.

And also trying to think of a way to ask King to buy her some donut's. She had been craving them all morning but King had been attached to her hip and she loved him for it, but, was really craving something sweet.

"Baby, can you yet me some donuts please?" she asked with a warm smile.

"Mama... You for real right now? Donuts? '

"Please, I'm craving them?"

King smacked his lips, "Aight fine I'll be quick."

He threw on a hoodie and slides and was on his way. Kyla let out a tired breath before rubbing her bump that had been growing and growing. This morning she'd woken up with a crazy type of body aches. It was only little while before the doorbell rang. Kyla waddled over to peek behind the curtain to see Jaylen standing there.

Kyla was confused but a part of her was happy. She opened the door and Jaylen looked stunned to see her large bump and how much shed grown over the last few months.

"What are you doing here ?" Kyla asked.

"Just came to drop off something for babygirl." he said while holding a blush pink gift bag.

Kyla stepped to the side and let him into the house. Jaylen set the bag the counter before Kyla have him a hug, she'd really been feeling anxious as her due date was nearing. She opened the bag seeing a fendi box, Kyla knew that Jaylen was extra but buying designer clothing for the baby was next level. But never the less she really appreciated it.

'Thank you, you didn't have to."

"No problem, how you feeling? You ready?" he asked.

Kyla nodded her head before quickly hissing, she felt a sharp pain 2 her lower stomach. Jaylen frowned at her sudden change in mood. There was a clear expression of pain on her face.

"What? The baby coming early or something?

"No I've had these pains all morning... Shit!'

Jaylen quickly helped her sit down but it didn't last long. She jumped up as she felt the pain return.

"Jay, grab my phone and call the midwife please."

He didn't hesitate to grab her phone and call the midwife, who was already on speed dial. Jaylen tried his best to explain the current situation to her.

"Uh... no her waters haven't broken yet."

"Jay..." Kyla's shaky voice said.

Jaylen quickly spun around to see Kyla to be now standing in a puddle, her waters had just broken.

"Fuck, um her waters just broke." he palmed his face in pure stress.

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