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Kyla stood in the kitchen,loading the dishwasher, she wasn't going to turn it on since it wasn't full. Herself and King still had to eat dinner so she'd fill it up then. She was currently waiting for King to get back with the twins. They would be having them for two nights in total. She was hoping they would be good and not terrorise Blu. But Isaac said that they should be fine around him.

The door and King walked in with them. He was carrying Jace since he was fast asleep and Kobe was holding onto King's hand. They'd been fed dinner so all they needed was a bath and bed.

"Hi." Kobe smiled lazily at her.

"Hi Kobe." she chuckled before scooping him up.

They headed upstairs, then set them both down on the bed before King walked into the bathroom and turned the water on. He wasn't a fan of babysitting, but King knew when the time came for him to have kids, Isaac had a lot of babysitting to pay him back for.

Since the boys were three they were able to wash up themselves but they still needed supervision. So while they bathed King sat on the sink counter making sure no accidents happened or they started fighting one another as per usual.

Kyla was in the bedroom getting their pyjamas and bed ready. They would be sleeping in the spare room. But she wanted it to feel a little more homey for them.
So she'd gotten them some paw patrol bed sheets, blankets and a night light for each side table.
The door opened and King walked in with both of them wrapped up in a towel.

"It's cold." Kobe shivered only so Kyla would pick him up.

She scooped him up and rubbed him down with coco butter until he was all moisturised. To bed he wore a pair of paw patrol pyjamas while Jace wore curious George pyjamas.

King's phone started ringing so he stepped out into the hall way. It was Isaac calling to check up on the boys, "They driving you crazy yet?"

"Nah they just got out of the tub." King informed.

"Aight well ion really care watchu do with em but they momma wanted me to call and check."

"It's cool, I'm bout to put 'em to bed, well Ky is. They love her ass, ya boy Kobe a little flirt man." King said and Isaac laughed knowing it was true.

"Ask his momma, he been asking about Kyla all week."

"Yeah I believe you, he stole my woman." King shook his head in disbelief.

"Uhhh I gotta warn you. Even tho you get em dressed for bed they gonna come wake up in just they draws."

King frowned making sure he heard correctly, "They strip in they sleep?"

"Yeah, ion know why."

King smacked his lips at the sound of his brother laughing. He hung up and walked back in to see Kyla reading them a story. Jace was already asleep but Kobe was trying to hang on.

"Uncle." Kobe grumbled trying to reach out for him.

"You gotta go to sleep." King said pulling his sheets over him.

They left the boys alone and went to eat their dinner. King was surprised how good Kyla was being with the boys, she mentioned that she's never really been around kids. But clearly it came natural to her. She was gentle and caring with them, they were drawn to her naturally.



The following morning, first to wake up was King, he tried to move but couldn't. When he opened his eyes they landed on Jace completely knocked out on his chest. Then he turned to see Kobe hugging Kyla. His small arms were locked around her and the side of his head was pressed into her boobs.

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