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Jaylen pulled his car into King's moms driveway, it was Sunday and he wanted to grab some food. He had Kyla with him, they'd been hunting all day for apartments. She was serious about moving out and being independent. Jaylen wasn't happy about her living alone but he'd rather help her find a decent place then her move into a dump.

"Where are we?" Kyla asked looking at the front of the house.

"King's mom's house I want some food." he said before hopping out.

"This man is everywhere I go." she said shaking his head, she liked him but didn't know why. But obviously Kyla wasn't going to show that.

"It's his mom's house goofy." Jaylen laughed at her.
They walked up to the door and knocked. A guy opened the door, his name was Isaac who was King's brother.

"Wassup Bro." Jaylen greeted him with a brotherly hug.

"Wassup this ya new girl?" Isaac asked stepping to the side.

"Don't say that." Kyla gagged making Jaylen nudge her head.

"She's funny." Isaac chuckled while closing the door behind them.

"This Kyla my lil sis, don't mind ha goofy ass." Jaylen waved off, he was used to her goofiness but this was a whole new crowd of people for Kyla to meet.

"Nice to meet you Lil mama." he greeted her with a fist bump.

"Something smells good as hell." Kyla said, the smell of hole conning hit her nose.

"You always hungry Ky." Jaylen shook his head.

"So are you, but you actually look it." she said rubbing his belly.

Jaylen mouth fell open at the insult only to see Isaac crying with laughter. They walked through the house and into the kitchen where King's mom stood cooking. She was short with a curvy figure, a pretty face with thick hair up in a bun. Jaylen walked over and hugged her before introducing Kyla.

"Ooh girl you are gorgeous watchu doing with his ugly ass!" she said making Kyla laugh.

"I don't know why I come here no more." Jaylen shook his head.

"He followed me around sometimes a" Kyla shrugged making the women laugh.

King's mom served up some food in containers for both Kyla and Jaylen. Kyla quickly stepped outside to take a call. As the call came to an end she noticed King walking up the drive way, he looked shocked to see her.

"Watchu doing here?" he questioned, not that he wasn't happy to see her. But he was just surprised to see her at his mother's house.

"Jay wanted food so he dragged me here with him."

He cleared his throat before looking around, almost nervous. "You busy later?"


"We're going to grab some food I'll message you." he said before disappearing into the house. Kyla didn't know why he wanted to go out with her, but she didn't have time to think as Jaylen was already walking out of the house.


After messaging back and forth, Kyla decided to stop being stubborn. Who would say no to free food? She was dressed cute but casual, a long sleeve jumpsuit with some panda dunks and a black Steve Madden purse.

She walked out of the house and made sure to lock up before making her way over to King's car. King looked at what she was wearing, also appreciating her figure.

"Kingston why do you have me out here in the cold?" she asked, King laughed at her using his full government name.

"My government yeah? You don't want food?"

"Of course I do that's not the point."

He shook his head as he pulled off, and headed to their destination. King simply wanted to get to know her better. There was something about her that kept drawing him to her and he needed to figure out what it was.


Kyla blew smoke out of her mouth and passed the blunt to King. They were sitting outside of a McDonald's and decided to smoke after they hit the drive thru. King gave her the choice of what to eat and she chose McDonald's. He wasn't surprised in the slightest, it was her favourite fast food place.

Although it was only something simple they were doing, Kyla had enjoyed herself. She'd seen a more friendly side of King. He wasn't his usual stern business man self.

"You're different to what I thought you would be."

"What do you mean?" he asked before sipping his soda.

"You're not a tuff as you seem."

"And you're not as mean as you seem." he said, Kyla couldn't help but nod in agreement. She had a resting bitch face making people assume that she was mean.

Kyla kept checking her phone to see if Tyler had messaged her. She was convinced he was ignoring her. "Ya little friend for you tied up?"

"No." she said quickly tucking her phone away.

"He's ya boy friend or something?" King asked only for her to shake her head.

"I'm single how about you?" she asked, relationships weren't on the cards for her.

"Would I be here with you if I wasn't?" he asked which made Kyla shut up real quick.

"Anywayyyy." she sang making him laugh.

Before they knew it, hours had gone by. They were listening to music and talking so they didn't realise the time flying by. King drive Kyla back to her house, all the lights were out int he house so she knew she had to be quiet.

"Thanks tonight." she said, she was struggling to look at him in the face but was trying to play it off.

"You gonna let me take you out again?" he asked and she nodded without even thinking about it.

"Can we go to the zoo?" she questioned, Kyla has always wanted to go.

"Why the zoo?" he asked taking a mental note to get them passes for the zoo asap.

"I've never been." she shrugged, there were so many things she wanted to do but hadn't done as a child.

"Aight imma message you tomorrow bout it." Kyla nodded and grabbed her purse.

Which gave King the chance to get out and open the door for her. He took her hand and helped her out. He kissed her cheek not wanting to be too full on and made sure she got into the house safely before driving off.


Wattpad is glitching? Can y'all see the chapter number or is it just question marks

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