Journal 14

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It is very early. I am going to the esports, so I will not have much time to update, but get this. I'll be wearing my Antique Store Air Force jacket to the championship. I want to intimidate all the people out of talking to me. I do not want to speak to the humans.

People are mostly not nice. I know that some are, but it's too big of a risk. I have no reason to speak to them. Unless they like kid icarus. If they do I will tell them hello :D

I want to beat at least one person in this tournament. That would be very good. I hope the Men on the bus with me will be nice and talk to me not as a "girl", but as a comrade. Because that's what we are: Comrades. Gender should mean nothing in my opinion, if you believe differently I completely respect that, but also am sad that you would judge people based on their body parts and not THEM. 

I want a bagel

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