Journal 4

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It is 10:54.

I am running on adrenaline and pure sheer will. 

Usually, I am not tired at this time. I am now. Why, the one night, I need to get myself together, must my personage be stripped from me like a shrimp tail at a Chinese buffet. 

I. Need. To. Paint. This. Costume. 

I. Need. To. Make. My. Son. Proud.

Why must body fail me now? 

Why life?


I finish it now. We love. 


Good costume. Good mother. I am still worthy, as so was christ. I am christ. I am god.

There is nothing to prove that I am not, therefore I am.

I am conscious. Therefore I am god.

Consciousness is not thoughts. I am not my thoughts. I am something else, watching my thoughts. Observing. Feeling. 

I feel, therefore I am human. I control how I feel, therefore I am God.

Journal of an existing Kid Icarus fanΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα