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There are lots of pretty things

Lamps, hearts, eyes

Passionate birds

Swirling skies

But my pretty things

Small, But not neat

Are pretty little crystals

As far as we can see










All the pretty things

That I have seen

"I made those pretty things"

I say

"It took me years of tears"

But you walk away

Pretty little things,

I'm sorry.

I couldn't make you whole again

You need two to tango

And to breath life

Breathe pain




That's all you've ever known,

Isn't it?

Why did I dare

To create something so


You didn't deserve that

To be cast away

Pebbled into sand

For a beach for them to walk on

You were meant to be given

The world

I wanted to give you

The sun

The universe

Everything I could get

But it was stolen from me,

Making this mess.

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

I don't know what happened

I'm sorry

I couldn't give you your ending

I'm sorry

How dare I

I'm sorry

Pretty and bright things

Sweet and tiny

My children

My pretty little things

You didn't shine you glowed

You glowed

You glowed

You lit up everything

But with light comes shadow

Oh, the shadow you cast,

Your shadow,

Your shadow,

You had no shadow.

It was mine.

I want to bury you

But yet you breathe

Wretched, crying breaths

That make my ears bleed

Why won't you die happy

Just be happy

I couldn't make you happy

Regrets abound

Like rabbits in holes

Burrowing my heart

Stop it

Stop it

Stop it

Stop breathing

Just die in my arms.

A beautiful, perfect death

For years of your ghosts

Hauntingly facing

Tiny and horrible

Cutting my chest

Into pieces of diamonds

I, a slave to you

A beautiful thing

To die to what you've made

Journal of an existing Kid Icarus fanKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat