??-"That's what you get you worthless Deku just give up you will never be a hero."

??-"Yeah like a quirkless loser could never be a hero"

??-"You should give up and except that you can never be a hero."

??-"Hey Deku you want a quirk so bad I know how you can get one. Take a swan dive off a roof and pray for a quirk in next life."

With that the seven kids leave laughing. Naruto lets out a low growl. Memories  of his past coming back. Though he was attacked alot by people in his village  it was never by his own peers those who have quirks would never have been able to last long against fellow shinobi who were far stronger hell Rock Lee would have been considered quickless yet he could go toe to toe with many of these quirk users and beat them. Naruto  continues to think of many things on why quirk users shouldn't think there superior when he was interrupted.

??-[Kit not to be rude but you must hurry or the boy will die.]

Naruto-"Right sorry thanks Kurama."

Naruto rushs over to the boys side to  check for a pulse or any sign of breathing. Naruto gently rolls the boy onto his back and gasps. Sitting around the boy's neck was the necklace Naruto was given by his grandmother Lady Tsunade and that he had given to his son who promised to pass it down his eldest son and after the tradition continued. Naruto had believed  the necklace had been lost or destroyed after his great grandson had been murdered  along side with his wife and there first born son had went missing presumed dead. Since the necklace was never found with his grandson Naruto believed it to be gone forever yet here it was around this boy's neck. The boy look no more then 6 maybe 7 had three whisker birthmarks which was known to be common among his descendants.

Naruto-"I don't believe it Kurama this boy he my descendant."

Kurama-[Kit I get it shocking but get a grip he bleeding pretty bad you should check for a pulse]

Naruto shakes his head to focus then he begins checking for a pulse or any sign of breathing. Naruto had found a pulse but it was very faint. Naruto pulls out a statis sealing scroll sealing the boy inside so his condition doesn't get worse and so he won't die while he talks with Kurama. He pockets the scroll and uses the uses the fly thunder god jutsu to get back to the hidden cave in the mountains that used to be Hokage mountain. He sits down and goes into his mindscape. Appearing infront of his long time friend  who has been his only companion for the last 5739 years.

Naruto-"Kurama I going to be honest with you. The boy won't survive unless  he had some like you in him. So I want to know what would you say for him to be your new host. I know that we been through alot together in the near 6000 years that you been sealed in side of me and for the last 5739 years we only have had eachother. But my time has been past gone from this world and I want to join my family. But you can still do good in this world Kurama. The boy is my descendant he is to young to die. I know he not me but I feel you could grow to have a bond like we have and make sure that the way of shinobi doesn't die. Please old friend do this for me."

Kurama-[Naruto we been friends for many years. We been through alot together. As each year gone by I saw the life slowly leave your eyes more and more. You are right though it saddens me you it's time for you to reunite with your family. For all my mistakes I made before you were born I will atone for them by help training the next generation of warriors starting with your descendant  right here but I ask that while I  do that you watch over while I do it. Deal?]

The nine tails reaches out one his large paws for a fist bump. Naruto smiles with tears in his eyes raises his hand and fist bumps back.

Naruto-*smiles with tears in his eyes*"Deal old friend"

With that Naruto ran and hugged Kurama. They hugged for what felt like forever but was only a few minutes. After that Naruto pulled away from the hug and left his mindscape. Now out side the mindscape he pulls out the scroll he sealed his many great grandson in and unseals the boy. Naruto  then was about to do the hand signs to seal Kurama  into the boy when a hand stopped him. Naruto  turns around shocked to see someone behind him not even sensing them. Then he heard in his head Kurama say something that told him who this was.

Kurama-*in Naruto's mind*[Dad?]

??-*smiles* "Hello Kurama, hello Naruto. Naruto you may already guess but I am the sage of six paths aka Kurama father. However what you may not know is I am your grandfather. "

Naruto-"Not to be rude but why you here."

{A/n: So6p will mean sage of six paths}

So6p-*smiles sadly* "I am here because  of to things that both involves you and the young boy. That boy as you know is your many great grandson his name is Izuku Yagi. I have seen his life and I don't like it. I knew you plan to do the seal on him but instead of your soul going into shinigami's belly your soul will be reuniting with everyone and your parents and grandfather's soul were traded so they are with the others too. Now as for Izuku I am hear to give him some gifts. One of those gifts will that you along with a few others from the past will be helping training him. The other gifts are I leave with all the things you save all the things that I had salvage and brought back with me from the shinobi era scrolls, books, weapons, ect. I am also going to be unlocking his chakra and changing his looks."

Naruto-*tears in his eyes*"I get to see them all again thank you so much."

So6p-"Don't need to think me grandson. Oh, also Naruto he will not be the only one who uses chakra there are still a few out there though it's only 1%. They happen to be decendence from you friends. Some even bare there looks and names."

Naruto-"Really who"

So6p-"The hyuga clan still around the Nara clan, the Yamanaka clan, the Akimichi, even a few Uzumaki clan decendence, also few others who weren't of clans."

Naruto-*smiles with tears in eyes*"So my friends defendants live on I hope my grandson meet them and makes friends with them."

So6p-"Who knows his future is unclear but he will do great things with Kurama and the rest of you guys guidance now let's hurry and do the seal and go see the others before he wakes. I have already healed him, unlock his his chakra, and change his look. Now he just has to awaken his family bloodlines and train in them."

Naruto nods he then does the hands signs tells Kurama goodbye and seals him into Izuku. After that Naruto looks to his decadent and says.

Naruto-*whispers*"Goodbye for now grandson we will meet eachother again.'

So6p-"You and the others will meet him and train him in his dreams once his sharingan will awaken. Until then you will join the others and see what the boy has been through. We must go the others are waiting my grandson."

Naruto-"Right let's go grandfather"

With that the sage of six paths puts a hand on Naruto and they both begin to glow bright. When the glow was gone the sage of six paths and Naruto were both gone. Only one left in the hidden cave was the unconscious Izuku and Kurama who had just been sealed into him. As Izuku slept Kurama was looking around his new home thinking quietly.

Kurama-(The kits  mindscape sure is different I expect it to be like Naruto and be a sewer but instead it looks to be a beutiful thick forest, with a clearing that has a lake and waterfall and a cave behind  it. It even had a stary night sky with a full moon.)

After few minutes Izuku woke up in a strange cave filled with many items in it. As he looks around confused he hears a a deep voice of Kurama in his head.

Kurama-"*in Izuku's mind*[Welcome  back to the land of the living kit]

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