11. Explanation

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Jimin sit at the very back of the cafe. Hidden from other's eyes that might be looking. From ears that might eavesdrop. Besides, this may take a long time. This is a long conversation.

Jimin almost shit his pants when there's still no Taehyung in front of him. Every sound of the bell on the door only bring other people.

'Where is he?'

Before he could think the worse, the man he had been waiting finally walk inside. Gracefully, even in just his shirt. The way he walk always make Jimin breathless. Confident, that what Taehyung bring with.

When Taehyung, Jimin didn't bother to stand up. Knowing Taehyung enough that that's not what he want right now.

Jimin open his mouth to said something, apologize, that's what he's planning to do, but-

"We don't have much time, I'm not going to sit here all day until this cafe close. So cut all the apologies and explain"

If Taehyung's voice is as cold as his sentence, he might just cry and never the other again. Fuck. He always learn how to read Taehyung's face even when they're resting.

But now, he can't look at the other.

"How about we order first, it would be rude if we didn't"

Jimin gulp when Taehyung sigh. He's going to cry. When they order, they sit in silent, waiting for their drink. Thank god that didn't take long.

Jimin fiddle with straw before taking a deep breath. Still not looking at Taehyung. Why was his throat feels so dry? Why do his heart feels like it's going to burst? He needs to throw up.

Why is he nervous? Better question. Because all he need to do is explain. Just tell Taehyung what happen back there. It's not that hard.

He takes another sip.

"A few months at Australia was good. It's all turn well. A lot of people want me to work with them. I learn a lot there. All I could think was to be back here and meet you.

Until she come. Then it's all crumble."

Jimin dare a glance, he see Taehyung is still looking at him.

"It was on Vain Holding success party"

"Jimin, the Vain Holding CEO invite you to their party"

Jimin look up from his laptop and look at his secretary. "When?"

"Tomorrow night"

"They invite me not because I'm one of their allies but because the CEO's daughter, Livia, is friend with me"

"She was the one who promoted me to her other friends and allies. "

Jimin walks inside the assigned building for the party. His secretary om his side. Jimin didn't know anyone here. He didn't even recognize the CEO.

"Jimin, you came!!" Jimin turned to the voice. Livia.

"Of course, I was invited" Jimin chuckle while Livia giggles.

"Come on! There's a bar" She took Jimin's hand while Jimin feels uncomfortable and take his hand back. Livia, of course, didn't take it serious and try to hold Jimin's hand again.

"I will just follow you" Jimin said finally. Jimin can see the girl rolling her eyes. Jimin sighs. This is just a starter.

He just want this to finish quickly so that he can video call with his boyfriend. He miss him. Even though they just call each other before Jimin come here.

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