Chapter 4

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This Story Has Been Edited by Meliza

I fell through the red molasses, the goo slowly let go of me, my heart raced as I saw the distance between me and the floor. It let go of me with a pop and I fell but surprisingly I only fell about a foot before abruptly stopping. I looked down and there was nothing under my feet but air, I felt forward with my foot to see how far it went. It went about a foot on either side of me but it seemed to go fairly far out ahead of me. I slowly proceeded forward, the path seemed to slowly decend to the floor. I stepped off onto the floor next to an ordinary door, only it wasn't attached to a wall and when I walked around it, there was nothing behind it.

I had an itching urge to open it, I just couldn't help myself. So I reached my hand towards the door and turned the knob. What I found inside, was not what I expected. It was an elevator, plain and simple. I was kind of curious as to where it lead so I impulsively stepped inside. The door slammed shut behind me. I ran to the door and tried to open it but it wouldn't budge and there was nothing in there for me to pry it open with.

Giving up I turned to the panel by the door where the numbers would normally be. There was a large red button, smack dab in the middle of the panel which was labeled High Counsel. There were other buttons labeled with things like; Portal Room, Naylum Apartments, The Star Dome, Launching Pad, Imagination Training Room, and The Library of Worlds.

I figured that The Library of Worlds was where I had just come from but I had no clue where to go next. All the names sounded wacky and out of place and I had no idea what any of them meant. So I closed my eyes and pressed one randomly. A loud earsplitting ringing sounded and a robotic voice said. "You are not yet permitted into that section. Automatically sending to predetermined destination." The beeping stopped and I could feel the elevator suddenly jerking upwards causing me to lose my balance and fall to the floor. I held onto one of the side bars and pulled myself up. I stood there thinking about what my life had turned into, in just a matter of days. I felt a pang of sadness thinking about my parents, they must have been worried sick.

I don't know how long I was on that elevator, but by the time the doors opened my legs were shaking beneath me and my head was starting to throb. I slowly walked into the room. It was like one of those big fancy foyers in a hotel for rich people. With two curved staircases leading to the second floor with red velvet carpet. There were big cushy sofas around the room. A huge old fashioned candle chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a dim light on the scene before me. The room was filled with twelve and thirteen year olds, some were sitting there staring off into space as if not noticing their surroundings. Others were huddled in little balls sobbing their eyes out and calling for their parents.

All of them were too busy to notice me in my torn and dirty clothing. So I sat down in one of the comfy couches and just sat there, waiting for whatever was about to happen. I was too tired to ask any questions. Then I heard a muttering behind me, it seemed so out of place in the room full of sad, crestfallen kids. I turned around and saw a girl sitting behind me. she was about twelve years old and had curly brown hair, freckles sprinkled across her nose and her eyes were the color of a cloudless blue sky.

She sat there with a frown on her face, obviously agitated about something.

"Hi” I said. “what’s wrong?"

"Oh, I was just thinking” she responded absentmindedly, “about how we got here and why we are here” She looked up and when she saw me, my brown hair askew, my stained clothes ripped and torn. Her eyes got big and she said, "What happened to you? You have a huge bruise right above your eye and it looks like you've been run over by a bus after running through a bunch of thorns."

"Well it's a long story", I said, smiling.

"I don't care” She replied, getting slightly excited. “Tell me! Tell me!"

The Library of Worlds, The Darkness Awakens (on hold) unfortunatelyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz