Chapter 1: Wish for Hope

Start from the beginning

Kibou: "Sakura-san?" Kibou called out as he pushed the door open.

Sakura: "Over here!" A voice came from around the corner.

Kibou made sure the door was as silent as possible when closing, then walked around the wall and sitting against the fence was his friend. Next to him was two bags from a local burger place and two drinks.

Kibou: "Thank you, Sakura-san. I was looking forward to this." He sat next to his friend and offered a silent prayer before opening the bag.

Sakura: "Don't mention it... So how's the tour going?"

Kibou: "Same as the last two years, filled with bright and brilliant young ladies. Rose-senpai is also the attending teacher once again."

Sakura: "Ugh, screw you and your popularity."

Kibou: "Hm?"

Sakura: "Knowing you, you probably unknowingly flirted with them, at least made their heart skip a beat or something."

Kibou: "Hehe, I doubt it."

Sakura: "I swear... If it were not for the laws of this land I would've killed you right about now."

Kibou: "So you say, but I want to ask you about something."

Sakura: "And what would that be? To punch you in the face? Gladly."

Kibou: "Not this time."

Sakura: "Was there any other time you agreed to that...?"

Kibou: "I wanted to ask about a rumor going around. Supposdly a monster going around the area?"

Sakura: "Oh, that. I've heard about it. I'm not sure how true it is, but a number of people have landed in the hospital by something, an animal attack officials say."

Kibou: "Has there been any deaths?"

Sakura: "Plenty sadly. Makes me wonder what kind of animal could do something as gruesome like that."

Kibou: "Yeah... Promise me that you'll be safe going back home, okay, Sakura-san?"

Sakura: "I should be telling you that! You're that one that makes rash decisions!"

Kibou: "I'll be safe. My house is around the corner anyways."

Sakura: "So you say... Whatever, let's just enjoy this lunch while we can."

Time passed on quickly for the two friends as lunch came to an end. Kibou thanked his friend for the food one more time before rushing down to the cafeteria. Sakura watched him bound the stairs and let out a disappointed sigh, turning the other way and heading to class.

Day turned to evening and evening turned to night in the blink of an eye. Kibou had finished cram school for the day and was taking a slow drive down the street on his motorcycle to end a long day. He slowed down to a stop as he approached a stop sign and reached into his leather jacket, pulling off his helmet and producing a phone on a cord.

Kibou was about to contact his mother to let her know he was safe when the phone buzzed by itself. She had beat him to the punch.

Mrs. Kitai: "Are you safe? Are you almost home?"

Kibou: "I'm around the corner. Sorry for making you worry."

Mrs. Kitai: "Thank goodness. Please get here quickly. I just saw on the news that there was a series of animal attacks."

Kibou: "That again?"

Mrs. Kitai: "The news man also said that police were going to put a curfew starting tomorrow, so..."

The phone started to buzz like something was interfering with the call. Kibou started to call out for his mother, but the call was cut off. He sighed and let go of the phone, letting the cord pull it back into his jacket.

Kibou was about to put on his helmet again when he noticed a thick fog roll in. Deciding it would be safer to walk, he started to push his bike further in, but for some reason an uneasy feeling had started to engulf him, like he was being watched.

It was just around the corner now. He had passed Seven Siblings a while back and was at the entrance to the park where his parent's house was near. Just a bit further and he'd be where he considered safe, and yet it was also so far away. A scream came from inside the park that had spooked Kibou, causing his body to twist faster than he'd ever had. He could make out a couple figures, one clearly larger than the other two.

The saying 'Curosity had killed the cat' could be applied here. Kibou took hiss helmet and ventured in, finally pushing past the fog and seeing just what was about to unfold. Two of the 1st years he had recognized from the tour was being advanced upon by what he could only describe as a monster. It stood at a towering eight feet tall with brown leather skin that looked sewn together and tufts of white fur on its chest, arms, and legs. It also had rabbit-like ears, and hollow eyes.

The two ladies made eye-contact with Kibou and his body reacted on it's own. He had ran towards them, throwing his helmet at the creature. It's attention turned to Kibou and a flash of red could be seen in it's hollow eyeholes.

Kibou: "Get out of here!" He shouted at his underclassmen, and they complied. They ran out of the park furiously thanking him as the monster pounced.

Kibou rolled out of the way as the monster landed, trembling the earth, cracking the surrounding pavement, and displacing the trees of the park. It stood up proud and slowly turned to the teen. It charged forward with impressive speed, Kibou barely ducking under in time. it twisted it's body in an inhumane, nearly impossible way, kicking Kibou square in the chest and sending him flying into the tree, crashing right through it.

Thankful for the leather jacket absorbing most of the shock; he tried to push himself back up to his feet, but was unsuccessful in that endeavor. The monster picked Kibou up by the head, covering most of his sight with it's massive paws, only being able to peak past the cracks to see the leather skin rip open to reveal sharp teeth that could tear through skin and bone.

At that moment his thoughts went to his parents, Sakura, his life up until now. While he regretted many things, and didn't want to pass on this early, some part had made peace with the fact that this was happening. He had saved two people, traded his life for two others, a fair trade in his mind. He awaited a death that wouldn't come, due to the intervention of a golden orb.

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