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      "Your eyes are going to dry out." Abigail mutters, snapping Rooster out of his staring at Liliana. Tonight she had shown up at the bar dressed in jeans and a tanktop that showed the curves Rooster immediately dropped his jaw to. Abigail couldn't help but laugh at how infatuated he had become with the woman after only a few dates. "Go. Hang out with her. I've got Coyote to keep me company."

     Turning to the man on her left, she shoots Coyote a big smile. Rooster nodded quickly and speed walked to the other side of the bar to claim his place next to Liliana.

      "So how are things going? From what Hangman has told me, you're at your wit's end." Coyote asks, feeling protective over the woman who married his best friend. Abigail shrugs, finishing her cup of club soda. "Got prescribed some meds, and I've already noticed a difference. I don't wake up in cold sweats very often and my phantom pain doesn't last as long." She sighs, bouncing her right leg on the ground. She was just anxious for Jake to get home, she missed her husband.

     "What about you? Anything interesting going on in your life?" Abigail asks, nudging his side. He does a little shimmy with his shoulders and smirks. "As a matter of fact, I've been promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Not as high as a Captain, but my momma sure is proud." He reveals, his eyes brightening as he talks. Abigail throws her hands in the air and congratulates him. This was a promotion he had been waiting a while to get. "That's great, dude. You deserve it." Abigail smiles, giving him a tight hug. He was there to celebrate with her when she was promoted to Captain, she was glad to be here for him. 

      "You going into work tomorrow?" Coyote suddenly asks, ordering another round of their drinks. Abigail nods and takes the club soda. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She raises an eyebrow, but gets distracted by the sight of Rooster leaving the bar with Liliana. "Well, there goes my ride." She chuckles, alarmed at the rate the two rushed out. It seemed like they thought there was not enough time left in the world.

      "I can take you home. Just make sure you're up and ready tomorrow." Coyote grins, grabbing her coat for her. It was getting a little chilly at night in California now, she was used to the heat, wearing tank tops and shorts.

      "I'm starting to get concerned. You planning my murder or something?" Abigail asks suspiciously.

     Coyote chuckles. "Just be there."


      Abigail was up earlier than usual the next morning, and she was nervously pacing her house while she waits for Rooster to pick her up. He was running a few minutes late. Of course, that's not what was making her nervous, she wanted to know why Coyote was insistent on her being at work today.  

      At 7:55 Rooster finally pulled to the curb, honking the horn. Abigail rushed out of the house, surprised to see a woman in the passenger seat where she usually sat. So she climbed into the backseat, realizing that it was Liliana. "This is interesting." Abigail mutters, getting no response from the two. They both looked extremely tired...and awkward?

       And as they pulled into the naval base, Liliana acted like she couldn't get out of the car fast enough. She practically jumped out while the automobile was still moving. She fled to join her group of friends. Abigail climbed into the front seat, locking the doors so Rooster knows he can't escape. "Mind telling me why you've opted to silence this morning?" She raises an accusing eyebrow at him. Rooster's cheeks flush pink.

     "Liliana and I slept together." He mumbles, rubbing his face. His eyes were heavy. Abigail could assume it was more than once, but grossed herself out with the image. "Okay? So why do you look as if you wish it hadn't have happened?" Abigail questions.  

    Rooster sighs, leaning back in the seat. He looks completely and utterly puzzled. "It's not me, it's her. She for some reason wanted to pretend that none of it did happen. That it was just some insane dream we both had."

     Abigail shakes her head in disbelief, opening the car door, sticking her foot out but her butt stays planted in the seat. "So you're going to let her go, just like that? Hell no, that's not who you are, Bradley. Show her why she's important to you, let her know that you're here to stay. Unless you're a pussy, then you're screwed."

      She knew her words would get to him, so she hops out of the car and makes her way towards the building. The smoldering California sun made her sweat within seconds of being away from air conditioning.

      Abigail is greeted by a crowd of students the instant she walked in the door. "Captain. It's good to see you." Miami smiles, nodding to her. "Lieutenant Walters." Abigail nods back, continuing her march down the hall. She was destined to find Coyote, but the man she ran into made her freeze in place.

      The smile, his hair. The way he stood with his arms open for her to run into. Abigail stared at him in awe and shock. She hadn't expected him to be back so soon. "Jake?" She finally blinks, her large smile matching his perfectly. She wraps her arms around his neck and he lifts her off of the ground. "Hey, pretty lady." Jake smiles, his voice sounding a million times better than it did over the phone.

      "I didn't think they'd let you come back so soon!" Abigail exclaims once he set her back on the ground. Immediately he places his hand on her jaw, pulling her in for a heated kiss. "I can be very persuasive." Jake replies, pulling away ever so slightly but quickly reuniting their lips. Nine weeks, that's how long they'd been apart but for both of them it felt like nine years.

      Abigail keeps her hands around Jake's neck, smiling into the kiss. "You sure can, Bagman." She teases, feeling his other hand slide onto her waist. They back into one of the unused classrooms, the motion censored lights kicking on. Jake closes the door quickly.

     Teenage Abby definitely would have had no idea just a singular person could light up her whole life, but here she was at 34 years old, completely in love.

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