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"What are you waiting for? Someone to wave a magic wand?" Abigail asks Rooster, who was staring at Liliana. She was playing pool with a few of her classmates. Rooster shrugs, tearing his gaze away and picking at the shell of a peanut. The surprising fact that she was a student has not slowed his attraction to the woman, that had been made obvious in the last three days.

     Hangman takes a sip of his beer, throwing his arm over the back of the booth to rest behind Abigail. "I know of a certain magic wand Rooster could poke her with." He suggests, his eyes pointing down to his own crotch to explain what he was talking about. Abigail frowns and elbows him.

     If he teased Rooster any longer, Jake could wait to use his magic wand after he returned from deployment, Abigail thought. The rest of this week would be spent simply cuddling in bed.

      "I'm too old for her." Rooster says simply, but the misery in his eyes tells Abigail everything. She leans on her elbows to get closer to him. "You're 32. Shes 25. It's not like you're an old man or that she's like a baby. You're grown adults and you share a deep connection. Unfortunately, neither of you have big enough balls to do anything about it."

       "Wait. I just thought of what else Bob could stand for. Big 'Ol Balls." Jake interrupts, chuckling to himself. Abigail rolls her eyes and pulls the beer out of his hand, setting it on the farthest point on the table from him. He had a little too much to drink. "You're sleeping on the couch tonight."

    Rooster is giving Hangman a very judgmental look, and Abigail doesn't blame him one bit.

     "She's looking at you." Jake says quietly, digging into a peanut. Rooster slowly turns his head to meet eyes with the brunette woman. His face immediately flushes and Abigail chuckles, taking a sip of her club soda. "Dude. Go talk to her." She pushes, kicking Rooster in his bony kneecap. He winced and then nods assuringly to himself. He slides out of the booth and confidently walks over to the woman who couldn't stop staring at him.

       Jake hums as he watches Rooster awkwardly make small talk with Liliana. "I didn't seduce you like that, did I?" He asks, his face pinched up as if he were scared for the answer. Abigail laughs and leans into his side. "No, you came over and joined my dart game. Then you continuously called me pet names for days on end until that afternoon on the beach." She replies, crossing her arms as her eyes move back to Rooster. Him and Mallard actually seem to be getting along, they're both just awkward people.

      The sharp shooting pain in her leg returns and she takes a painful breath in, biting her bottom lip. Jake takes notice of her sudden change. "Abby, you ok?" He asks, searching her pained eyes. He places a hand on her cheek, his eyebrows creasing in confusion. But Abigail quickly smiles, brushing off the concern. "I'm good. Everything's fine." She says cheerfully, taking a sip of her beverage.

      Hangman doesn't look fully convinced, but he lets her believe he thinks she's okay. 

    Once the pain passes, Abigail pats her hands on her lap. "Can we head out? Rooster seems to have forgotten about us." She jokes, placing a hand over his. He smirks, leaning closer to her and kissing her on the forehead. "Whatever you want, darling."

    "Maybe I could stuff you in one of my suitcases, take you with me." Jake smiles softly, wiping away one of Abigail's tears and then one of his own.

    The breeze is calm during the sunny day, the couple squeezed on the dock where Jake will soon be walking onto the naval ship and staying for the next three months.

     "If only I weren't so claustrophobic." She chuckles, burying her face in his shoulder. His arms are wrapped tightly around her waist, hers are around his neck.

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