6 ~ The plans for the ending I won't write

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Sorry it's been like 4 years, I'm not writing this book, but here's what the plans were for the ending from like 2021 or something i dont even know, I don't follow Ranboo much anymore at all tbh. If you're still here, enjoy ig.

The next game chosen was 'Hole in the Wall', where the overall premise of the game was for the players to jump through walls with randomised shapes inscribed into them, ideally without falling off the tall platform into the water below. It was, basically, foolproof, but as Ranboo stood, out in the open, he couldn't help but feel a little woozy as he looked down into what could be his cause of death; his impending doom. What if it didn't catch him? What if he was actively killing themself by striving to achieve a goal too high to humanely reach? Maybe they should just go home, forget about what he wants to do, forget about how fearless they're being for their risks. He could die. Was that really worth it?

But then again, here he was, out in the open, surrounded by so many people who could see them, and then they just realised that he didn't care anymore; being in this event was pointless. Absolutely pointless. Why did they even do this in the first place? To prove a point? Well, point proven he guessed, what fun!

Whatever, nobody noticed their presence in the game, and let's be honest, they were nowhere even remotely near to winning the game when it eventually began (postponed due to Wilbur finding a glitch and falling in the water below before the event had even began).


Plays game, goes back to event lobby, the picker thing was randomised skins, ranboo fit in perfectly, daring, for sure, but perfect risk taking.

Survival games, they get there, ranboo settles himself in a little bakery. The gigs up now anyway, so he starts 'serving' everyone who comes in
Ranboo starts chatting to his friends on the headset thing, and wilbur and tommy are surprised, techno is just downright impressed.
Scott comes in lol
He serves scott
Scott s confused and angry, he bans him on the spot
He manages to get past the ban, the ban didn't work

He just chills, the ban didnt work, so he just goes round chatting to participants and interviewing them.
He finds people in little corners talking to chat, Tubbo is doing some of that, so he just joins him.
They explain their little plan.

The game is sands of time, he is teleported to a little jail in the lobby.
He sits there chatting to the recording for a little while
Everyone finished the game, then they make people admit who was involved
Nobody admits, Ranboo shrugs and says he can leave if they want
Scott says yes, and to never return

There's a big rainbow in the sky as ranboo skips home, gladly holding the contract which declared that he would never attempt to do his stunt again unless he was properly invited again,

A few years later, they are actually invited, so they go and are all like "Heyyyy Scott"

Ranboo || MccOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora