2 ~ Headsets and hiding

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They each woke up fairly early, Tubbo woke up a few minutes earlier then Ranboo, but was soon followed into the lounge by him.

They were both really excited about the day.

It was the day. The day of mcc.

Holy moly they were excited about breaking Ranboo into mcc. They had a few hours until they had to get ready so they got ready, had breakfast and did the hygiene things. It was about 11am right by the time that they'd both got entirely ready for the competition to take place.  Packing sandwiches in a bag for their lunch, they were ready to win minecraft championships.

They both ran around the house with anticipation before getting in the car because "Tubbo" was on track to be late.

After the car ride ~

Once they'd parked up, they say together in the car, staring out of the windows and smiling at the arrays of colours which reflected off of the gigantic building that sat proudly before them. Tubbo began to set up his camera, checking it worked by taking a 4k photo of the picturesque scene of the event, and hung it around his neck as though it was a necklace.

They looked around, noticing that most of the other people had similar cameras with them so they could stream the event.

"You ready?" Ranboo nervously asked Tubbo, he was so confident before... Why was he so scared all of a sudden.


Whilst nobody was around, Ranboo followed Tubbo out of the car and the both darted onto the grounds through the main entrance. Theyd never noticed how extensive the height difference between them was before, but now it was very apparent.

Each of them perched on the surface of two tall Palm trees that surfaced above the main enterance's arch while tubbo set up his stream through his camera and Ranboo started recording on his mobile phone

Once Tubbo had set up stream and Ranboo started streaming... on facebook, Tubbo made sure to never point the lense in Ranboo's direction and Ranboo tried to keep the screen black but ended up revealing a small view of the decision dome and some leaves.

"Hi chat!" Ranboo whispered loudly so only those who watched the rocording could hear. Soon enough, thousands of people came flooding into his live stream.

Tubbo had already set up his headset so he could talk to his team, yet somehow managed to get an extra pair for Ranboo by jumping off of the tree in front of Scott Smajor and telling him that he had lost his other pair and couldn't find them anywhere.

Luckily, Noxite had given Tubbo another identical pair and told him not to loose them.

Tubbo ran back to where Ranboo was hiding and threw the new headset at him, pointing the lens of the camera at the dome as the 5 minute timer began to tick by.

"Screw it," Ranboo said quietly before pointing his phone at the countdown. Future viewers were going to love this.

At the three minute point, all of the headsets switched on and connected with their teammates' headsets. The headphones were marked with different coloured stickers to symbolise which coloured teams they were on. Their headsets had red stickers on the microphone sticks, so that meant that they were on the red raccoons team.

Tubbo's teammates were Tommy, Wilbur and Techno.

"We will be checking each and every one of you's streams to make sure that everything is running fine," Noxite said loudly through a mic into everyone in the event's headsets. Oh shoot

Ranboo quickly muted himself before doing hand signals at tubbo to jump down and walk around below for a short while.

619 words

Ranboo || MccHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin