4 ~ build mart

17 2 0

Oh lord!! I haven't updated this in like ten months!! My apologies!! Also, Ranboo uses he/they pronouns now (:

Tubbo's chat was confused. They wanted to see the fireworks, as any normal chat in mcc would...

And they were sure that tubbo would want to aswell, so why had he ran to the outskirts of the map?? Maybe he was hiding something, maybe something big. Surprises? MMmMmMmm surprises! Chat loved surprises!!

(A/n: wtf am I going on about?)

But nonetheless, the game was soon to begin. Everyone but ranboo was teleported into the dome, the decision dome. To everyone else it was a beautiful sight; but to tubbo it was panic- of course he couldn't show that to chat or the cover would be blown, the unknown would become known.

"So team! What we choosing?" Tubbo asked energetically, maybe even too energetically.

"Techno you pick" Wilbur spoke a lot quieter than tubbo, but his voice was still quite loud.

"But I want to pick!!" Tommy complained almost as loud as Tubbo

"No." Wilbur replied flatly.

Tommy muttered something under his breath that was only picked up by his own chat, gaining floods of "LMAO"'s and various ways of expressing laughter.

Ranboo stood amongst the crowd of npcs, blending in by hiding behind quite a tall one, catching eye contact with Tubbo and sending him a small smile and wave. They honestly couldn't believe that they were actually doing this. It was crazy. He was surprised that they had even got this far into the event.


"Vote buildmart" techno ordered to the group, "let's get it done early to avoid a loss further on, our PvP and movement games are our strengths, though movement will also be good for lime, for Dream's group."

One by one, they threw their eggs into the voting area, as time ticked down. Soon enough, the unique clicking on the votes being counted and the game decided.

Each section of the arena lit up as the mini lightshow moved clockwise doing full rotations before the loud announcement from noxite of which game had been selected to play first.

"And, the first game of mcc45 [?] has been chosen to be.... Build mart!"

As he spoke, the section of the circle designated to the building game lit up, illuminating the whole arena.

There were both cheers of happiness and groans of annoyance. Of course- it was all just friendly competition though, nobody actually cared that much of what the order of the games were. One team that, in particular, groaned about the results was Dream's group, the lime lions, that consisted of him, Grian, Smallishbeans and fwhip.

I mean, you could see why - it was a group which included three out of four members who mained building.

Tubbo looked back at the crowd of mannequins in panic, keeping the camera pointing at the dome though, but immediately catching eye contact with Ranboo, who waved and did a little spin in response.

Then they all boarded the ship outside of the dome, and set off to the island of build mart, ranboo hiding behind a load of boxes in the lower deck, checking his phone to find an amazon delivery was due to arrive at his house in like two days, he also had some messages from people, and more comments on the youtube video he posted the other month. He should really turn off the notifications for that.

Anyways, back on track, they very quickly arrived at build mart, and Ranboo trailed further behind everyone else as to not be seen, however when he was entering, he saw Noxite in the flesh, so he had to quickly run into a little hole at the side of the massive building. It was like a little tunnel, so as any curious fellow would do, Ranboo went down it. They were met with myriads of colours and patters, but at the end of it he saw the underside of the massive fan, below where the players would be playing atop of. He could cause a bit of mayhem if he wanted, there nobody there, and quite a few labelled levers to control the fan.

Nobody worked this close to the fan, it was too loud, Noxcrew had said in a behind the scenes of MCC video that Scott had made a while back, so they'd had to build a second set of controls in a separate room that they could mess with the fan in, but they usually could just leave it as it was, switch it on at the start of the game, then back off at the end.

Damn the bills for this must be very expensive.

Crazy, even!!

Anyways, for the progress of this game, he sat there occasionally messing with the buttons, making the fan spin slower and faster to the point that it was holding people in one place in the air, it was very funny in all honesty.

And all 125 of his facebook viewers were finding it absolutely hilarious, especially since it was mostly people who knew him irl.

But as Tubbo came nearby the fan, they quickly set the fan back to normal and then repeated it after he left.

And then the game came to an end and everyone had to get back to the boat to go back to the decision dome, which was a shame but it was okay, so back to the little fake audience he went.


I am so sorry that I haven't updated in actually ages, i genuinely forgot that this book existed, and i was focusing on my Hermitcraft ok, but i should hopefully be back now if you guys are okay with that (:

Thursday 13th October 2022
956 words

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