Chapter 20: The Date

Start from the beginning

I open the door leading to the dressing room I go to show Sakura, mom and Ino. They looked at me with smiles and Sakura stands up with a fist in the air and says "I told you Ino, that is the perfect outfit!"

Ino huff and says "You were right this one time Sakura. I will admit it."

Mom says "I think that one is perfect, What do you think Y/n?"

I smile and say "I love it."

-----------------------------------TIME SKIP------------------------

Mom bought the dress even though I told I could buy it she won the argument. We all see the time and decide to go to a restaurant to get something to eat. We get seated at a table outside, The waiter asked what we wanted for drinks, I said "I'll have a f/d please."

With that the waiter left and Mom says "So has he told you where your going for your date?"

I say "Um well he didn't say, He just asked if I would like to go on a date with him and then he said tomorrow night at 7pm is when he's going to pick me up from our house."

Ino squeals and says "I've been shipping you two since you two were little, I can't believe it Y/n this is your first date. I'm so excited."

The waiter comes back with our drink and we order our food, I ordered a F/f (Favorite food).

Sakura says "I can help style your hair tomorrow, If you'd like I can come over and help you get ready."

I say "That's fine with me just no make up, that's my only condition."

Sakura sighs and says "Fine, I can understand that."

I say "Thank you."

After dinner we all go our separate ways. Me and mom head home and I help her cook dinner, once done with that I decide to go and check on he's still not home. My eyes fill with worry, I don't want dad to work himself sick. He's doing all he can to protect the village and still be a dad to me, Hima and Boruto. I go to dads office and see him struggling to stay awake, He says "Y/n? what are you doing here?"

I say "I'm here to help you dad, I don't want you to work yourself sick. Here let me help you to the couch and get you settled and I'll finish this pile of work for you."

He nods his head, I help him on to the couch and get him comfy. I go to the desk and start reading some papers, Dad says "Where were you today? I went home to check on you and your mother and didn't find either of you I was worried."

I smile and said " We were shopping along with Ino and Sakura. They were helping me pick an outfit to wear for my date tomorrow."

I see dad have a small smile since he is tired and doesn't have a lot of energy. He says "So he finally asked you out, good for him."

I say "Yeah, he asked me yesterday when me and Boruto went to drop Sarada off at her house."

I didn't hear a response and see dad knocked out cold. I sadly smile and continue working on the papers.

----------------------------------TIME SKIP-------------------------------------

I wake up and get out of bed, I hop in the shower and start getting ready for a normal day. I head downstairs and help mom out. Dad came home and finally got to rest and relax today, he deserves to have a day off every once and awhile. After a few hours Sakura shows up at the house and starts getting me ready. 

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