Ch 38: Safe & Sound

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"Just close your eyes, the sun is going down, you'll be alright, no one can hurt you now"

Millie and I stood side by side, hand in hand, staring at the headstone in front of us. I focused on the stone, as I began engraving words onto it. First was her name, then her year of birth and death. Tears fell from my face as I put the year of her death. I closed my eyes as Millie squeezed my hand.

Gwen didn't have any family to call about her death. Alls she had was a drunken aunt who took her in when her parents died. She hadn't bothered answering the phone the five times we called, each time leaving a voicemail that was never returned.

Out of everything that had happened there had been no fatalities. The only fairy or Specialist to not make it out alive just so happened to be my best friend. In a span of twenty-four hours, I lost my mother, sister and best friend. I would be lying if I said I was okay, I was trying to be at least.

"Dowling!" Oliver yelled.

I turned my head as he came at me with rage.

"This is your fault!" He said.

He grabbed my arms, squeezing them so hard I knew bruises would form.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"Sorry isn't going to bring her back!" He said. "If she had just listened to me and not gone to you she wouldn't be dead!"

I closed my eyes as tears began running down my face again. He started to shake me as if it would help the situation.

"Say something!" He yelled.

"Back off, Oliver!" Riven yelled.

He grabbed Oliver by the collar, throwing him to the side. He grabbed my face, wiping the tears.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked.

I shook my head as he walked towards Oliver. He punched Oliver as Millie flinched.

"Lay a finger on her again, I will kill you" he said.

Oliver had a bloodied nose as Riven walked back to us. He put his arms around Millie and I, walking us back to the school. Sky stood at the bastion as Millie walked to him as he held his arms out. He held her as she broke down into a sob.

Riven grabbed my head, kissing the side. His hand slid down my back as he rubbed circles on my lower back. I leaned into him, not wanting him to let go of me.

"If I had just gotten there a couple seconds earlier.." I said.

"It's not your fault" he said.

"But if I had just-" I choked only words.

"Stop" he said. "You didn't kill her, you couldn't have known they were going to use her against you. We can't dwell on death, only appreciate their life."

I looked up to him, smiling.

"Spending too much time with Silva" I said.

He chuckled, tightening his grip.

"You know I got to say my goodbye to her" I said.

He knew who I was talking about, he didn't need me to elaborate.

"She was the one to take me out of stasis. When I was in there all my memories of being a kid with her emerged, memories I forgot were there" I said. "It hurts, so bad. I'm glad I got to say goodbye to her but I still wish she was here."

"She'll always be with you" he said. "I say we name our first kid after her."

I laughed, wrapping my arms around him. I buried my head into his chest.

"If we have kids" I said.

I looked up as he lowered his face so our noses were touching.

"Oh, we're having kids, best believe that" he said.

"What if we just left?" I asked.

"Leave Alfea?" He said. "Bee, this has been your home for your whole life."

"I know" I said. "But there's too many memories here that hurt. We could start a life living like normal people in the First World. A start over. I mean we're eighteen, we're adults, kinda."

He sighed, looking up to the sky.

"If you don't want to, I won't be hurt, I just thought it'd be a good idea" I said.

"Are you kidding me?" He said. "I'd follow you to the end of the Earth. I'm never leaving your side."

I smiled as he kissed the tip of my nose. I turned my head to Sky and Millie who were walking back into the school. They were both hurting by losing someone. Sky lost bloom and Millie lost Gwen.

Sky must've said something funny because Millie laughed, the first time she had in weeks. We both closed ourselves off from everyone except Sky and Riven, who forced themselves into the suite.

I tilted my head, looking at the way Sky looked at Millie. It was different, his eyes lingered on her longer than they normally would. He smiled at her the way he would smile at Bloom. I don't think Millie noticed but when he wasn't looking she'd spend an extra time scanning over his face.

It would take time for Sky to heal and him having Millie helped with that. The same way he helped her cope with Gwen's death.

Riven went to pack his stuff as I went to do the same. After about an hour he came to the suite with his stuff as I glanced into Millie's room. Sky was on the edge of her bed, watching her every movement. Riven and I walked in there as both their heads turned to us.

"So.. we have something to tell you" I said.

"What happened?" Sky asked.

"We're leaving Alfea" I said.

"What?" Millie said.

"I've been thinking about it the past couple weeks.. I can't stay here anymore" I said. "This place was my home and I can't unsee the things I have and undo the past. I don't wanna leave you, I really don't."

Millie forced a smile, nodding as if she understood. Sky put his hand on her leg as she smiled for real.

"And what if something happens and you're not here to protect Alfea?" He asked.

"I doubt anything will happen. The Blood Witches are dealt with and Rosalind is gone" I said. "I'm sure Queen Luna will find a suitable new headmistress. Everything should be fine."

"But we are a call away" Riven added.

"You're really going, mate?" He said.

"Yeah" Riven said. "I'm not staying without her."

"I know I can't stop you. I learned a long time ago even if I tried, I can't stop Briar from doing something she wants" he said. 

I smiled, walking towards him. I hugged him, wishing for the moment to not end. We pulled apart as I did the same with Millie. 

"Call whenever. I may not physically be here but I will always be here for you. You're my best friend, Mills" I said. 

"I know" she whispered. 

I smiled at Riven before walking towards him. 

"I love you guys" I said. 

"Go before I start crying" Millie said. 

"Watch over Mills" Riven said. 

"Already planning on it" Sky said. 

We walked out as I fought back tears. I took a few deep breaths as we made our way to Silva's office to say a 'see you later', Silva hated goodbyes just as much as he hated to admit it. 

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