Ch 12: This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

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"This is why we can't have nice things, darling, because you break them"

"Get a room!" Riven yelled.

I turned my head to see Gwen with her arms wrapped around Oliver's neck. She flipped him off before kissing Oliver.

"I get it she's your best friend but she can be a real-" I cut him off.

"Choose your next words carefully, Riv. You may be my boyfriend but I will hurt you" I said.

"Oh yeah?" He said.

He walked towards me, grabbing my necklace, smirking as he rubbed his thumb over the pendant.

"I think my hand would look a lot better on your neck, wouldn't you say?" He asked.

I smacked his arm as he laughed.

"Knock it off" I snapped. "My neck is quite fine without your hand."

"That's not what you were saying last night" he said.

I went to smack him again when he jumped back. Silva walked towards me as I tried to hide my flushed cheeks.

"Am I missing something?" He asked.

"No" I said.

"Good, walk with me, Briar" he said.

I followed him as we walked past Specialists who were training with their bows.

"I'm surprised" he said.

"About what?" I asked.

"How well you and Riven have been doing given the circumstances" he said.

"I find your lack of confidence in me rather disturbing" I said. "I do everything the best that I can, no matter what is going on in my life. You of all people should know that."

"I need you to be focused" he said. "Emotions are a key point in a fairies magic, do not let anything get in the way of that."

I glanced at Riven who was sparring with Sky.

"I won't" I said. "So, do you trust me enough to start using a bow and arrow again?"

"No" he said.

"That's kinda rude, you said that really fast" I said.

"You may be an honorary Specialist but I do not trust you with a bow and arrow" he said. "Not again."

He walked away as I crossed my arms.

"It wasn't even that bad!" I yelled.

"You nearly took Sky's head off!" He said.

I turned around not saying another word as Gwen waited for me in the grass.

"Not letting you use a bow and arrow again?" She smiled.

"Shut up" I said.

We walked inside, going to the suite to change before going to my mothers office for a "meeting" that was really Gwen trying to get on my mothers good side.

Gwen and I were on our way to my mothers office when we heard screaming. Not the kind of scream where someone scared you but the type of scream where someone was hurt.

We ran down the hall to see a bright light shining underneath a door. I was about to open the door when Gwen smacked my hand.

"We should call your mum" she said.

"I'm going in, you go get her" I said.

She ran off as I opened the door, the light going away. I found Ricky in a fetal position on the ground, crying as she had her hands over her eyes.

"I can't see!" She screamed.

Stella stood over her with tears falling down her cheek. She was scared, angry and full of guilt.

"Stell, what did you do?" I asked.

I already knew the answer before I asked it. I kneeled beside Ricky as she flinched.

"Don't touch me!" She yelled.

"It's Briar" I said. "My mum should be coming."

"I can't see" she cried.

She removed her hands from her face as her eyes were cloudy and her eye color couldn't be detected. I began panicking as my mother ran in with Silva and Professor Harvey. They pushed me aside as Stella continued to cry.

They took Ricky to the greenhouse while Stella was brought to my mothers office by Silva. I waited outside my mothers office as Sky ran in. He walked towards the door as I stopped him.

"She's fine" I said.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Stella blinded Ricky" I said. "And not just temporary, it's permanent. She will never be able to see again."

He looked at me not saying a word.

"I don't think it was on purpose. We both know Stella's magic isn't completely under control" I said. "I think her anger took over."

Stella walked out with poise but I could still feel her emotions everywhere.

"I did it on purpose" she said.

"I can see inside your mind, I know you're lying" I said.

She looked at her hands as her lip quivered.

"Stell" Sky said.

He walked towards her as she backed up.

"I need some time to myself" she said.

"We can get through this together" he said.

"No, Sky" she said. "I need to be by myself."

She walked out as Sky and I looked at each other. I could feel his heartache as I grabbed onto him. Stella was his first love, his first everything and she left him with only a couple words. We stood there for a few moments until my mother and Silva appeared in the doorway, motioning for us to walk in.

"You both have done exceptionally well this past year" Silva said.

"We really just going to ignore what just happened?" I asked.

"It's none of your concern, Briar" my mother said. "Continuing off of what Saul said, you have done well, with your magic and your training, Sky."

"We want you to take on bigger roles this next year" Silva said. "Briar, you have been doing excellent with the Specialists. Although I know Farah isn't particular happy about it, you could do some good if you continue to help me with training."

I nodded as my mother gave Silva a stern look. He walked towards Sky, putting his arm around his shoulder, walking him out. I turned around as the door shut, turning back to my mother who held her hands clasped together on her desk.

"I have recently found information about a fairy in the First World. She is a powerful fairy and she doesn't know it" she said. "I want you to accompany me when we pay her and her parents a visit. I have already been in contact with her and she was very weary of me but I think I issued some form a trust between us."

"Why do you want me to go?" I asked.

"You could work on your people skills" she said.

"I'm nice" I said.

She glared at me as I smiled.

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