Ch 7: Fearless

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"Run your hands through your hair, absentmindedly making me want you"

I looked in the mirror fixing my hair.

"Half up, half down or all up?" I asked.

Millie popped her head into my room, taking a look at my outfit.

"All up" she said. "Wear your red jacket with that."

"Isn't that too much red?" I asked.

"Never" she said.

I walked over to my closet to grab my red leather jacket. I put it on before grabbing my white boots. Millie handed me my bag as I grabbed my phone off the charger. I grabbed her arm, pulling her towards me as I took a picture.

"Is it cute?" She asked.

We walked out the door as I showed her. She nodded in approval as I posted it to my story. We walked to the Stone Circle in a hurry realizing we were late. My mother glared at us as we tried to blend in with the students in the back. She talked about emotions and what not, how emotions are the key to your magic, the usual.

"Briar, you're up first" she said.

I gave Millie my bag as I shuffled through the students. My mother nodded as I put my hands on the bowl. I focused until all the lanterns caught on fire and there was a large fire in front of me.

"Good" she said.

I took my hands off the bowl as the fire disappeared.

"Millie" she said.

She gave me my bag back before giving me hers to hold. She stood in front of the bowl, nervous. In my opinion, Millie was one of the best Light Fairies here. She just needed the confidence to think so herself.

She held her hands out, taking a deep breath as a ball of light appeared. She transferred the ball to her right hand before forming rainbow with the other. My mother smiled in approval before dismissing her.

One by one students were called to showcase their magic. I noticed Sam Harvey kept looking at Millie without her even realizing it. I waited for him to notice me when his cheeks turned red. I nudged her, pointing my finger towards Sam. She looked over, smiling as he smiled back.

After class we went to find Gwen who had skipped class. She waited by the bastion as she watched the Specialists training. We walked towards her as she kept her eyes glued to a Specialist named Oliver.

"He's so hot" she said.

"So, talk to him" I said.

"I'm waiting for him to finish training" she said. "Sky kicked his ass a couple minutes ago, I felt bad he was really angry."

"I mean Sky is the best Specialist here" Millie said. "So don't feel too bad."

I smiled as Gwen rolled her eyes. We all watched as he sparred with Riven.

"He doesn't seem to be very good" she added.

"I don't think I've seen him win against anyone" Gwen said.

"Well, have fun with this but I'm supposed to study with Stella" I said.

"Stella? The Princess Stella is studying?" She asked.

"I'm being nice with her for Sky's sake. But I mean she's not that bad, it's Ricky who makes me want to pull my hair out" I said.

I glanced at Riven before going to the canteen. Stella was already sitting at a table as I walked towards her. I set my bag down before sitting down.

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