Ch 18: Mr. Perfectly Fine

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"How's your heart after breaking mine?"

I sat at my desk, staring out the window. Millie walked in, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"May I help you?" I asked.

"I think you should get out instead of being cooped up in your room" she said.

"I'm fine" I said. "I'm studying for a quiz right now, I'm not moping."

"I can sense your sadness" Gwen yelled.

I turned around to see her smiling from the couch. I set my pencil down, sighing.

"Guys, I promise I'm fine" I said.

"Liar" she said. "We heard you crying last night."

"And you look like shit" Gwen said.

"Gwen!" She snapped.

"I'm not lying. When does Briar ever let herself get like this" Gwen said.

"I'm literally right here" I said.

"We also heard you come in late" she added.

I thought I had been relatively quiet when I came back to the suite last night, or technically this morning. It had been a week since I've talked to Riven, and every single night I had been going beyond the Barrier. It wasn't the safest thing to do considering there had been rumors going around about the groundskeeper being killed.

I held my hand up as a fire ball appeared. I always kept my emotions under control to better control my magic but right now I didn't care. I tilted my head as the fire grew. I pushed my hand out as fire erupted from it, burning down the trees in its path.

I remembered seeing Beatrix on his lap as my heartbeat increased. I screamed as a small ball appeared in front of me. I focused on its core as it grew larger. It wasn't the normal color when I've done it in the past. It was a dark orange and looked to be on fire. Normally it had only looked like an energy ball that was red but it felt different, more powerful.

"Briar?" Millie said.

I snapped back to reality, forcing a smile. They looked at each other as I turned back to my desk. I held back tears as my phone began ringing. I flipped my phone over to see Sky calling. I declined the call before my phone pinged. I opened his text as both Gwen and Millie left my room.


Silva's office. Now

I briskly left the suite, making my way to the Specialists building. I ignored everyones stares as I walked down the hall. I got to Silva's office to see Riven talking with the first year from the party, Dane I believe his name was. He was smiling, laughing, like he was fine. He was Mr. Perfectly Fine and I was heartbroken.

I swung open Silva's door as he sat behind his desk. I sat beside Sky not saying a word. I crossed my arms as both stared at me. It was dead silent, I could hear both Sky and Silva breathing.

"This meeting is strictly confidential. Nobody hears about this, understand?" Silva said.

I nodded as Sky gave a soft 'okay'. I finally looked up at Silva who was looking back at me. I didn't indulge in the specifics of the reason Riven and I broke up with him but he wasn't stupid, he knew I was hurting and had been going even harder on Riven, which I enjoyed but felt slightly bad.

"I need the both of you to keep an eye on Bloom, get close to her and report back to me" he said.

"Why us?" I asked.

"You're very trustworthy people" he said. "But she needs to know there are people here to help her."

"Does my mum know about this?" I asked.

"No, and don't tell her. Farah has no involvement with this. I don't know if I completely trust Bloom, she's powerful and is a loose cannon" he said.

I bit my lip as the door opened. I froze, not wanting to turn around, knowing who it was. By Silva's expression alone I could tell who it was.

"We're ready" Riven said.

"Okay, thank you, Riven" Silva said.

The door closed as Sky got up to leave.

"Listen, I understand if you do not want to come to training " he said.

"I'm not going to let me feelings get in the way of training" I said. "I'm a big girl, I can handle it."

"Alright" he sighed.

I followed him out of his office and to the bastion. I held my hands behind my back as Silva went over his usual spiel. I could feel Riven's gaze on me as I tried my hardest not to look at him.

"Alright, this half with Sky and this half with Briar!" Silva said.

I looked up to see Riven was not in my half. I sent Silva a small smile as he slightly nodded. I walked with my half away from the others. I got a couple first years that included Riven's new little pet, Dane.

I held my head high as I smiled at everyone. Most were paying attention to me while others, when I say others I meant the first years, talked amongst one another. I waited and waited to see how long it took them to pay attention to me. Kat nudged one of them as they faced forward. My smile disappeared as now I had everyones undivided attention.

"Most of you know who I am but for those who don't, my name is Briar Dowling, Mind and Fire Fairy. For the next couple days I will be evaluating the first years skills set and reporting it back to Silva" I said.

"Why wouldn't Mr. Silva evaluate us?" A girl asked.

"Lets just say he trusts my judgment" I said.

"But you're a fairy?" She said.

"I would stop talking" Kat said.

I tilted my head, entering her mind as I saw memories of her childhood. They were mostly good memories but some tragic.

I was on the verge of saying something I'd regret. I kept my mouth shut as I walked to one of the platforms.

"First up I will have Kat with you" I said.

I pointed to the girl who decided I wasn't fit to judge their skills. Kat walked past me as I patted her shoulder.

"Show her how it's done" I said.

She smiled before getting on the platform. I heard yelling as I turned around to Sky's group. Oliver and Riven were going at it as Sky tried to break it up. I made eye contact with Riven for only a second before I quickly turned back around.

He stopped calling and texting after the third day of us being apart. It hurt but I knew I needed my space. Apparently everybody knew within a day what happened.

I avoided every single person possible beside Gwen and Millie. They were the only ones who didn't make me feel like I dodged a bullet.

After training I went to all my classes, wrote notes, then went back to my room. It seemed to be my new daily schedule. It's all I really did, besides going beyond the Barrier to let my magic go. I had even gone as far as not going to training with my mother and Silva. 

I was trying not to mope, truly I was but every time I closed my eyes memories flooded my brain of us in my bed. It was hard enough to even be in my room.

I sat in my mothers office at the end of the day, not really listening to what she was saying. It was going in one ear and out the other. It was too hard to focus on her words. 

"Briar!" She snapped. 

"Yeah?" I said. 

"Are you not going to tell me what's wrong?" She asked. 

"I already know Silva told you" I said. 

I knew she was busy as headmistress but sometimes I wish I could just have my mum. I wish she could hold me while I cry about my problems. But that would never be able to happen. 

"I'm tired" I said. 

I got up and walked out of her office before she could get another word in. 

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