Where does your true power lie

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Where does your power lie?

Where your Love lies

There your heart will follow,

And when you follow your hearts true path

There lies your greatest Power.

The Power to Overcome the Fear,

To power to become the living love right here,

the love just waiting there for you.

From long ago when this love was new.

The power to give and receive

To live as you believe

For as you believe in your heart

So it is and it is so it’s true.

The power to serve the One Power in what you do,

And on the path are some Seeking , some needing

Some looking for love and not seeing.

Where the love you seek does lie.

For there is the power that holds the Key.

The answer just waiting to be discovered in you and me,

And sold and resold to so many as something you can buy,

and all you get is the package

that leads you to what is given to you for free.

For where your love lies

Can’t be something that is bought and sold

For the treasure that this love is

Is far more powerful than Gold.

The question of the power you seek

Is held within your Soul

A gift that comes from Spirit

With the Breath behind the Energy that knows.

You can use this gift as you may choose

But use it with reverence and respect, so carefully

So you may illuminate the light you use

And use it to guide others on the path to Me.

Where does your power truly lie

And how can you use it successfully

To serve God and man and the Great I am

And to live on the path and serve with God’s love in this life

There your power lies.

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