We all make mistakes

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Born in the city of Biran in the mid 1920's , Cruz was born into a wealthy family . His father was a great benefactor of the Spanish slave trade exploration.
His mother , was the closest parent he had. So he learnt a lot from her . He had siblings he knew of and many who claimed to be the children of his father.
Cruz grew up in a world most people wished, he never lacked anything , he had three things he loved so dearly , his mother , the Catholic Church and guns .

Before he was 10 years old he already knew how to shoot , his mother wanted him to be a doctor or an engineer, but Cruz had eyes for destruction..

At 11 , he had a fight at school, most kids bullied him because he was skinny and couldn't do most things for himself . He attacked one of the kid during lunch break and the friends came to the kids rescue .

How bad did they beat him? Well
He lost three tooth and his white school uniform was almost all red ..

Since his father is not always around
Cruz mother , Lucia handled everything about her first son.
He didn't go to school for a week and his mother offered to transfer him to another school but he refused.
Being amongst the high class back then in Cuba, most basic amenities were close to your house
Cruz insisted he walks to school himself ,

After few hours, Cruz came back home and was breathing heavily

His mother was scared and taught he was bullied again
, while checking out to see if he had a temperature
He said in Spanish " I killed them all"

She noticed a pistol on the floor ,

He killed all the boys who bullied him , all 6 of them

Some of the kids he killed were also from high society family , some even more influential than his father ..

This event was about to change his life forever ...
His dad had to mend bridges broken by him.It cost him a fortune though.

Being so irritated by the act of his 11 year old , he made a drastic decision

At age 11 he was sent to the army , the youngest amongst them. He was named "Diablo" which ment devil by the soldiers ..
for 30 days he cried all night , he was cut off from two of the most important things in his life , his mother , the Catholic Church at home but thank God he had one of them ... Guns, lots and lots of guns

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