breaking away part 2

Start from the beginning

"T...That depends... what did you have in mind?" I was getting pretty nervous. He looked at me again, this time with a glint in his glasses.

 "You must do what ever! The Host Club says for you to do. If you do not the twins get to punish you."

"No! Anyone but the twins, they'll get me killed." He seemed to smile at my remark.

"Then I suppose you will be willing to agree to my terms?" Kyoya smiled once again. This was becoming normal for this conversation.

"Again it depends. What are your terms?" I asked, this was becoming a nuisance.

"You must do what ever we say, whether it be go to the store, or fight a bear." He chuckled quietly to himself, the others weren't even in the room with us anymore, they had gone out to convince Haruhi to wear a tropical island queen outfit.

"I can't agree to that-" Before I could finish he cut me off and threatened to tell the others and their guests. "You didn't let me finish Kyoya senpai. I will follow what a certain group of people say, but under no circumstances can Tamaki, Hikaru or Kaoru boss me around. Fair enough?"

"No that was not the deal. I already have pictures, and let's face it because of how close to us you've been the girls will make up their own theories, they can involve romance, conspiracy, betrayal it could even lead to the hatred of you and your family, would you truly risk it?" He said devilishly. These are the times that I begin to despise him.

 "But you can't be serious!?" I practically shrieked at this.

"How about this? I tell them your a girl and they swear to secrecy. Everyone but Tamaki can boss you around and everything else I have on you will be kept with me and no one will ever find out, better?" I glared at him for a moment, but I knew it wouldn't get any better than that.

"Very well. I suppose that would be fine. But it can't be anything too ridiculous like wrestling a bear." I smiled at him with the same darkness that he had done with me.

"Good. Then we are in agreement." I nodded and he simply got up and handed me a costume. "Go put it on whilst I speak with everyone. No arguments."

I left the room and went to the changing room so that I could change into whatever monstrosity he had given me. It only took a few minutes before I was done getting dressed, I made sure the belt was tied securely around my waist before looking in the mirror. I was wearing a summer kimono and some golden male bracelets that made me look similar to a servant from Hawaii maybe even Egypt back in the olden days. It still looked nice so that was okay I guess. When I was fully covered and ready I placed my bag in the corner near Haruhi's and walked out the room, what I saw after that was a shock.

"She's done!" Shouted two voices whilst picking me up and dragging me off to the couches by the window. Hikaru and Kaoru, great.

"Where is she?" Bellowed Tamaki, now the king of idiots is here.

"Oh great." Said Haruhi, she was probably thinking the same thing I was. That Tamaki... was a moron.

"How could you not tell daddy that you were a girl!?" He said with anime tears streaming down his face. I grabbed a handkerchief from my pocket and wiped his tears away.

 "No need to cry Tamaki, I didn't tell anybody, Kyoya senpai managed to find out on his own." I smiled at him as I said this. Another agreement that we had was that until he seemed to be used to the change then I would have to be nice to him. All he did was jump out and hug me, it got to the point of making me dizzy and slightly queasy so I elbowed him and he reluctantly let go and I softly landed lightly on my feet as he doubled over gripping his stomach.

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