Not My Fault

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「It's Not My Fault」

"Yes He Did It, He Killed Them All!"

"W-Wrong! H-He Was Showing Mercy To The Suffering!"
Kumagawa Misogi was in the middle of dodging and nearly avoiding every sword swing that came from a brown hair young man, who was named Tatsumi, all the while making sure child Medaka Kurokami was safe, who was also in the middle of arguing with a blonde girl, named Aria

'「Definitely not in a good position to be in, but should I handle this problem, do I kill them both?」'
Kumagawa was planning and considering just killing the two for interrupting his moment, though had to stop when he took a glance at young Kurokami, who was getting so upset about everything that her blue hair was slowly becoming white from extreme stress

'「No, I think she had enough horror for today, no point rushing things if she can't handle it yet」'
With Kumagawa mind made up on what needs to be done, he quickly avoided one last sword swing from Tatsumi before quickly stabbing a large screw in his foot, much to the brown hair boy pain as he yells in both anger and agony, once Misogi was able to get much better breathing room, he wasted no time running away, making sure he holds the Broken Plus close, the young swordsman growls as he watch the Good Loser run away from him

"I-I will kill you, f-for what you've done..."
Tatsumi made a promise that he will forever keep, meanwhile, above the trees and standing on nearly invisible wires, there was a green hair young man, named Lubbock, and a pink hair girl, named Mine, they just waited around and looked somewhat bored

"Do you think that Akame and Leone reached the target yet?"
Lubbock decided to make some conversation with the pink girl while waiting, though before she could answer, she quickly saw a certain Minus running through the forest, seemed to be trying to escape the area

"Oh, that's impressive, it seemed like someone managed to escape death."
Mine then quickly aims her large gun at the running person, making sure that she was perfectly lined up, and then got ready to pull the trigger

"Almost feel bad for him, making it this far just to die in the end."
Lubbock chuckles as he held a binocular to watch, the Genius Sniper smirks before pulling the trigger, which the big gun shot a beam of light at the Crawling Chaos, though before it could hit him, the energy bullet suddenly disappeared a inch away from hitting his head, which made the green hair boy go wide eyes in shock

As for Mine, she was also shock, and beyond pissed to see the person still alive, she quickly takes aim and takes a couple more shot at him, but like the last one, each time a blast nearly touches him, it just disappeared and vanished, and no matter how accurate she was and no matter how many time she took a shot, it just won't reach its target

Mine had to stop shooting because Nightmarish Kafka was to far and deep within the forest and hidden between the trees, she was absolutely livid and confused

"He must be a 'Teigu User', that's the only explanation."
Usually Lubbock would tease or make fun of his partner for missing all those shots, but he knows that she wasn't missing and it was something else entirely

"Damn it, our informant didn't tell us that there would be someone like that in our mission."
Mine was still angry, but less, cause she knows that it wasn't her fault and she could save her ego by blaming something else that wasn't her skills

"We must kill him now before he becomes a threat, Mine, let everyone know of our new target, I'll try to slow him down."
Lubbock held up his hand and moved his fingers in a certain way, which made the wire on his hand stretch and contract, the Genius Sniper couldn't help but sigh in annoyance while aiming her gun in the air

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