World Of Horror

410 23 24

「Kumagawa Speech Patterns」
After Kumagawa Misogi sat patiently on the ground with the Young Medaka Kurokami, to which he tries to comfort and stop her crying that lasted a few hours, he managed make her fall asleep, and once doing so, he stood back up to his feet, with the Broken Plus in his arms and nuzzling his chest, he finally took this chance to actually look at his surrounding and realized he was in a cave with no exit, though he did not look worried, but was slightly confused on how he ended up here

'「A mystery that will never be solve」'
Kumagawa then looked down at the Cute Monster, who still looked very depressed and heart broken in her sleep, which made him wear such a sinister smile

'「Not like it matters, I have far more important matters to attend to~...」'
With such a thought in mind, Kumagawa no longer cared for the 'How', and was much more focused on the 'Now', he looked back at the cave wall, which was already gone, and when it was gone, it showed nothing but trees that stood tall in the night sky

"「Oh~ so full of Nature, to bad Medaka-Chan is asleep, bet she would've love all this~」"
Kumagawa held Kurokami a bit tightly and started walking into the thick and dark Forest, with no map or any sense on where he's going, he just kept moving forward in a straight line, not really caring on where he ends up in, as long it's anywhere but here, though he was in no rush and took his time, and since he had some free time, he took this chance to think about the situation that he was now in

'「How should I raise this now Broken Plus, should I give her the same childhood as I did?」'
Kumagawa was more focused on how to raise the Broken Plus into his own imagine

'「No, maybe I shouldn't, breaking her joyful personality is one thing, but if I turn her into a unstable monster, well, it would be fun to see, I don't want to keep fixing everything she breaks, so I guess a normal living environment is the least she deserves」'
Kumagawa lifted up and rubs his chin, humming and thinking more about what to do next

'「But that doesn't mean that I don't want to crush her spirit and pure heart, definitely want to erase that useless part of her and replace it with something more befitting of a true Minus, like me~」'
Kumagawa then scratches his head, he definitely have a plan on what to do, but he was still unsure on how to do it

'「But how should I go about it? I could try to convince her in our way of 'Pointless Life', but not only is that boring, but I'm sure I need more than words to change Medaka-Chan」'
Kumagawa felt like he was getting somewhere, it was definitely at the tip of his tongue, but the answer was still hard to find

'「Maybe instead of talking to her, maybe showing her something truly dreadful should be enough to convince her, yes! That could work, cause she can't deny reality and physical evidence of how wrong she is to think so highly of the 'Good Human Race', hehe, Yes! Totally Genius!~」'
Even though Kumagawa officially knew what needs to be done and how to do it, he couldn't help but pause his walking and ponder one last issue he had to deal with now

'「But what should I show her?...」'
Fortunately for Kumagawa, he didn't need to think to long about this, cause he quickly noticed something that was surrounded with 'Death & Anguish', and when he looked at where the feeling was coming from, he was quickly met with a large shed, to he found slightly odd to see such a thing in the middle of nowhere, but that line of thinking was immediately crushed and was suddenly more interested on why such 'Negativity' was coming from such a thing, without a second thought, he begins to walk towards the Shed, and each step he took, the feeling of Dread grew stronger and stronger, so strong in fact that it woke up Kurokami, rubbing the sleepiness and tears from her red eyes and look up at her new caretaker, wondering what was going on

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