Stunned Voldy

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"Why on bloody earth would you want to me Voldemort?" Tom asked completely stunned.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" Harry mumbled. "I want the Dark Lord to take over the Wizarding World and I think I can help him." said Harry.

Tom watched the boy. "You do realize that, that could go bad and he could oh I don't know kill you."

Harry shrugged. "Listen I'm only telling you this because I trust you but those muggles I was left with almost killed me. I'm not scared of unliving for something at least this time I'd have a choice in the matter." 

"Another thin the Dark Lord had planned." Tom started Harry looked confused. "He wanted a magical orphanage for people like you and me if he was in power you wouldn't have that burden to bare."

Harry shrugged. "He gave me that burden to bare on a silver plater." Harry said. "I get it though, it was a war and they chose the wrong side if I had been from Draco's family I'd at least still have parents."

"Draco?" Tom asked. "He doesn't happen to be a Black does he? Everyone from that family has a star name."

"He's a Malfoy." Harry corrected.

"That would still make him part of the family. Narcissa who I'm guessing is his mother was your godfathers cousin."

"Why is it that everyone is related." Harry joked.

"Hey, I'm not related to anyone."

"Sorry I kept you up." Harry said after a while of him and Tom reading. "I know you don't feel good."

"It's fine, Harry."

Harry looked unconvinced. You want to talk to me about the Dark Lord, what about?" Tom asked.

"I already told you I want to meet him, I was hoping you'd have someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows him." Harry said. "Not only do I want to make a deal with him. I want to be on his side for this next war, everything I've read about him shows I don't have a chance and if he's not as bad as he seems then I don't want to be like my parents." He explained.

Tom watched the boy for a bit then said. "I will try and get you a meeting with him before break is over." He said with a sigh, he was a sucker for this kid.

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