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A/N- hey guys the besties finally meet!!!

"Why do I need clothes fitted to me?" Harry asked as him and Remus went back to school shopping, Tom had decided to stay at the Gaunt house, for reasons he never shared.

"It's a wizard thing, most things are homemade even the wands." Said Remus. "Harry what's your favorite animal?" He asked.

"Snakes." Harry answered as they walked into a store, a blonde boy was also getting fitted.

"Alright then Harry, I'm gonna leave you here while I do a bit of shopping is that okay?" Harry nodded. "Okay I'll be back."

"Hogwarts, dear?" A witch asked.

"Yes ma'am." He said.

"Okay right this way, I've had a lot of you guys today." The witch said leading him towards the blonde.

"Hello." Harry said softly. "Are you going to Hogwarts too?"

"Yes actually. What house are you hoping to be in?" The blonde asked he had striking grey blue eyes that sparkled in the sun.

"Slytherins my main, but my godfather says Hufflepuff is okay." Harry said.

"Cool my family's been Slytherin house for ages my godfather's actually the Slytherin head of house, what about you?"

"Both my godfathers were Gryfindors." Harry answered.

The blonde looked shocked. "Really? You aren't loud and annoying like someone from the Weasley family, except the twins. I'm Malfoy by the way Draco Malfoy."

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter." Harry told Draco.

"The Harry Potter?!" Draco asked, Harry nodded. "Wow, the Potters are as old as the Malfoys, Blacks, Weasleys, and Lestranges. You defeated the Dark Lord!"

"Voldemort?" Harry asked.

Draco's mouth dropped. "And your not even scared to say his name! You're so cool. Ow." He said getting stabbed by a needle.

"So Beetlejuice basically?" Harry asked.

"What's a Beetlejuice?" Draco asked confused.

"It's a muggle film." Said Harry.

"You wanna be friends Potter?" Draco asked. "Here you don't want to make friends with the wrong sort."

"Yeah sure, call me Harry."

"Okay then Harry you can call me Draco." Draco said as they shook hands.

"You two are done I'll charge your parents via mail." The witch said shooing them outside the store. "Good luck at Hogwarts."

"Bye Draco." Harry said as the blonde saw his parents. "See you at school."

"Hey cub." Remus  said seeing Harry outside the store. "I got you a gift."

A snake slithered down Remus' arm. "Sssssomeone pleassssse get me away from him he ssssmelllsss like a wet dog." The snake said.

"Here." Harry said, letting the snake come to him.

"You're a parselmouth?" Remus asked open mouthed.

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