Chapter VII

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The Petrox Explorer slowed to a stop.

A knot formed in Blake's stomach. She stared towards the bow of the ship. Miles of ocean separated the Petrox Explorer from a wall of fog.

It stretched on for miles, and she couldn't see where it ended. There was a strange aura of mystery to it, which was only made more intense knowing what was hidden within.

The crew was gathered all around her, all of them looking at the fog. Sun stepped up beside her.

"They want us in the wheelhouse," he said.

Blake nodded, keeping her eyes on the fog. Knowing that the island was in there was such a strange feeling. She was terrified of what was on the other side of the fog, and yet she felt something else. There was an odd curiosity now that she was so close to this island. As if she was drawn to it.

She felt Sun grip her arm. She jumped at the sudden contact, and grasped his and with her own.

"I'm okay," she reassured.

Taken from her trance, Blake followed Sun to the wheelhouse.

They opened the door and stepped inside, where they saw Captain Desmond standing at a holotable, along with Torchwick, Neopolitan, Roy Bagley, and a few others.

"You wanted us?" Blake said.

The captian nodded. "Yes. Come take a look at this."

Blake and Sun approached the holotable. Atop it was a blue image of an island. It was draped in valleys, sharp mountain spires and jagged cliffs aged by time and the elements.

"Our sonar picked up the island," the first mate said, pointing to the hologram. "It's solid land alright. This is its profile from east to west. Typical Pacific formation." He pointed to a slope near the bottom of the island. "This would be the slope at the beach, the mountainous sector at the west."

Blake stared at the island. It looked like a normal island. She hadn't really thought about what the island would actually look like, but it certainly didn't look as horrifying as what she knew lived there.

A red blip appeared on the island near one of the mountains.

"What's that?" Captain Desmond asked.

"Just a glitch," the first mate replied. "False echo off a flock of birds."

"Spot anything unusual?" Bagley asked.

"Not a thing."

Blake finally spoke up. "Why did you call us in here?"

Captain Desmond turned to her. "I hate to admit it, but you two saved our lives with that Grimm. We don't know what kind of Grimm could be on that island, and since you two have shown great talent, we will allow you to go to the island as protection."

Blake felt a bead of sweat travel down her forehead in response to that. She really did not want to go to that island, but she had no choice. She didn't know what they would do if she didn't. Not only that, but the Dust they needed was on that island. Her best bet at stopping them was going with them to this place that had haunted her for days.

"Alright," she said, doing her best to sound like she didn't care.

"What about these things?" Sun pointed to the collar on his neck.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Monkey-Man," Torchwick said. "If we need you, we'll take them off. Don't wanna risk you two fighting back."

Sun scowled, but Blake remained neutral, despite her mutual disappointment.

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