Chapter I

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The Petrox Explorer loomed high above the docks.

The night sky was black, the shattered moon was absent, and a few stars were visible in the darkness. The only source of light came from lights on the docks that lit up the blue hull of the Petrox Explorer, and the lights on the ship itself.

From a nearby rooftop, Blake Belladonna watched on. She rested on her chest, her arms lifting her from the concrete roof. Down below, she could see faunus loading crates into the ship. She recognized the uniforms. They consisted of Grimm Masks that covered the eyes and forehead and a uniform consisting of a white sleeveless jacket, a sleeveless black hood and black pants. They had black fingerless gloves, metal foot guards and boots. The White Fang's logo was prominently displayed on the back of the uniforms. Three red claw marks could be seen on the top left of their jackets. Some had their Faunus traits, such as ears or antlers, visible along with their uniform.

There was no doubt about it. This was the White Fang. She had hoped not to see them when she had come here. But they were here. Still, they weren't doing what she was afraid of. She'd come here to prove the White Fang was not behind the recent robberies of Dust stores in Vale. At this point, she felt she was trying to prove it to herself more than anyone else.

"Did I miss anything?"

Blake flinched, and she looked to her right to see Sun Wukong knelt at the roof beside her, having just arrived.

He was a tan-skinned boy with short spiky light-blonde hair and dark-gray eyes. He wore two red wrist bracers over black fingerless gloves and an open loose-collared white jacket with no shirt underneath, displaying his muscular physique. He also wore blue cargo pants tied up with a white belt. He wore white bandages on his legs and had a chain hanging from the belt loop on the right side of his pants. He sported black and yellow sneakers and wore a twisted golden necklace around his neck, with a round pendant bearing his monkey emblem. As a result of his Faunus lineage, he had a long prehensile monkey tail the same color as his hair. Sun hid his weapons under the back of his shirt. His weapons were Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang. They could combine into a staff, and nunchaku.

Blake had met him a few days ago, and though she wasn't too fond of him, she at least trusted him a little. He had tipped her off to this location, and he hadn't been wrong. She wasn't sure where he'd gone to, but it didn't matter to her at all.

"Not really," Blake said, answering his question. "They're still loading all the crates onto the boat."

"Cool," Sun said. He looked down to his arm, and reached for something he was holding. He smiled at her, and held out a green apple. "I stole you some food."

Blake stared at the apple with furrowed brows. "Do you always break the law without a second thought?"

"Hey, weren't you in a cult or something?" Sun said.

Blake scowled, her amber eyes practically glowing in the darkness.

"Okay, too soon," Sun said.

Suddenly, the wind started to pick up. Blake could feel her hair blowing wildly, and she and Sun looked up to see an airship hovering towards the Petrox Explorer, with a large crate attached underneath. It was a bullhead.

The ship landed on a landing pad on the boat, and a platform lowered from the bullhead, onto the ship. White Fang soldiers stepped out, and more on the ship made their way to the crate underneath the bullhead to open it up. Blake focused her night vision, and peered inside of the crate from her position on the roof. Inside, she could see dozens of boxes. She could just barely make out the Schnee Dust Company logo on a few.

"Oh no," she whispered.

"That's the Dust?" Sun said.

"Yes," Blake said. "It's the Dust."

Sun looked at her. He could see a look on her face. One of hurt.

"You really didn't think they were behind it, did you?" he said.

"No," she said. "I think deep down I knew. I just didn't want to be right."

"Hey!" another voice called. "What's the hold up?!"

Blake's eyes widened as she saw the man walking out of the bullhead. He had slanted, dark-green eyes and bright, long, orange hair, with long bangs covering his right eye. Black eyeliner traced his visible left eye. He is described as tall and lanky. He wore a red-lined white suit with long black pants and black shoes. He had a small gray scarf, black gloves with buckled sleeves, and a black bowler hat with a small feather tucked into its red band. He was not a faunus. He was a human.

Behind him was another human. She was a younger woman, with half pink and half brown hair, and white streaks on the pink side. Her right eye was pink, and her left eye was brown. She wore a white cropped wide, broad tailed jacket with a pink interior, collar, a single pink button and large pink cuffs. She wore brown pants with a dark belt that has a gray buckle and an additional narrow belt under it. Under her jacket was a brown corset, curved in the middle and at the bottom, exposing her hips. She also wore a multitude of black beaded necklaces, which hung haphazardly around her neck. She also wore black and white spat styled under the knee boots alongside black gloves.

Blake didn't know the woman, but she did recognize the man walking out of the bullhead. He was Roman Torchwick, a criminal who she had seen on the news a few times.

"We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment," Torchwick said, "so, why don't you animals pick up the pace?"

Blake stared at him, wide-eyed. "This isn't right. The White Fang would never work with a human. Especially not one like that."

She finally stood up on the roof. She pulled one of her weapons from her back, in its katana form.

"Hey!" Sun shouted as she jumped off the building. "What are you doing?!"

Blake ignored him. As soon as she landed, she ran for the fence blocking off the docks from the street. She jumped over it, and, once she was on the other side, she crouched below the first hiding place she could find. She peered out at the White Fang soldiers walking along the docks. None of them had noticed her.

She heard Sun approach before he tried to make his presence known.

"What are you doing?!" he hissed.

She didn't reply. Instead, she made her way for the ship. The ropes keeping it to the dock had already been removed, and it was starting to depart to set sail. Blake leapt off the dock, and grabbed one of the portholes. Sun, frustrated, followed after her, grabbing onto the porthole beside her.

"Are you crazy?!" he said.

Still, she didn't listen. She had already made her decision. But now that she was here, she wondered what she was going to do. The ship was already leaving the docks, and she didn't know how to drive. Whatever she was going to do next, she wanted to know what was going on between Torchwick and the White Fang.

She looked back at Vale as the ship pulled farther and farther away. She'd barely managed to make herself a home there, and already she was running away from it. She truly was an expert at running away.

She and Sun started climbing the Petrox Explorer, porthole-after-porthole. Then, she held out her arm, signaling for him to stop, and she glared upwards. Torchwick and his female companion were leaning against the rail on the ship, and staring off at the world they were leaving behind. They were smiling, unaware of the stowaways below.

Roman turned to her, smiling, and holding a cigar in his hand. "Neo?"

She smiled back at him, and nodded.

"Well," he said, tossing the cigar into the ocean.

"Here's to the big one . . ."

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