𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞

Beginne am Anfang

"Okay then...what should I wear?" I stood at our bedroom door with my hands on my hips, Conan already digging through my suitcases. "Wear this" he threw a folded pair of jeans at me and a baggy shirt, pulling out my tote bag. "Hey, out! You can't see what I'm packing" I went into the bathroom to change and fix myself up. It was a casual outfit so I didn't put too much effort into my appearance.

It was already dark out so I tried to come up with some scenarios that he might have planned. A walk maybe? But why is he packing? Are we gonna go camping? What's this boys deal?

"Okay, I'm ready" he carried the "cafe gray" tote on his shoulder, fixing his button up. I inspected his outfit, he would wear this anywhere but maybe camping...? Oh I don't know. "Okay can you pleaseeee tell me where we're going? What if you didn't pack something I needed?"

"It's not like we're gonna sleep there Athena, it's just...yes, now let's go I called an Uber" an Uber at 8pm? Seriously? That's probably really unsafe. Okay I guess?

When the Uber pulled up I was hesitant to go in but if we did end up being killed Conan has his location on, they'll find our bodies some way or another. It wasn't that far, we honestly could've walked but that's probably more unsafe.

"Have a nice night!" Conan paid the Uber, taking my hand as we walked towards...the beach! "Oh nice, sand" I teased and he started walking a little faster, knowing it annoyed me. "Conan are we- are we gonna swim?" "If you want? I brought extra clothes incase we did, but it's a tad cold for that now isn't it?"

The weather did get lower on the ride here, too bad I didn't bring a sweater. "And I brought a blanket, cause you're lame and you get cold" "I am not lame! You're lame" I snatched the blanket out of his hands, sitting down on a rock by a tree. "Look at the stars" he pointed up at the sky, something about Florida man, everything is either 10x more boring or 10x more exciting, this was the second one.

I don't think I've ever seen so many in one place, it was gorgeous. "Conan" "hm?" "Did you bring my camera?" He stayed silent for a bit before starting to look through the bag. "Uhm, no" I smacked him on the shoulder. "See! I should've packed, you're slow"

"I am not slow! I was just thinking of more important things" I took a moment to look at him and then the starts, I couldn't tell which was more beautiful...ha I'm kidding, Conan obviously. "It's getting cold" my arms were practically freezing off, the rips in my jeans weren't helping my body either. "Do you wanna leave?" I shook my head. "We've only been here for like 30 minutes"

"It's not that bad" "says you, you live in an ice cave" I shook my head. "I like it cold" "it's giving Will Byers" we broke into a fit of laughter, it slowly dying down as we took a little time to take pictures of the sky. "We should make a TikTok!" Conan suggested excitedly. He walked up the grass, placing his phone down on the fence to record. I took a second to look at the surroundings, noticing the sign on the fence. "Conan! Look at that" the sign read something about dangerous snapping turtles? Good thing we didn't swim. We could be in the E.R right now.

"What if a snapping turtle ate me? Like just ate my whole body? What would you do?" "I would leave you there, not my fault you were slow enough to get eaten" he frowned, offended. Making me laugh. "I didn't mean it!" He walked up the hill grumpy, grabbing his phone.

He sat down next to me to watch the TikTok, rewatching it probably hundreds of times. "You need to stop teasing the fans" "People watching is a masterpiece, they can wait" he posted the video, logging off the account.
We talked and cuddled for about an hour, it started to get really cold and I couldn't take it anymore. "My legs are gonna freeze off" I wrapped the thin blanket around myself tightly.

"I miss my bed" I yawned, readjusting the bag in my hand. "Me too" he sighed. "Oh shit! I almost forgot" he pulled out his phone quickly. "Forgot what?" I yawned, peeking over to the phone. "It's still a surprise you know" I huffed, not fighting it. I was too exhausted. "Follow me!" He grabbed my hand, taking us closer to the city. We walked in silence for about 5 minutes, Conan walking into a creepy ally and turning the corner.

"A hotel?" "We need a break from the girls" we checked in, rushing to the elevator to get to our room. "Oh my god! A bed" I threw the stuff on the floor, giggling as Conan wrapped his arms around me and plopped us on the bed. "We should order room service" he was already onto it, ordering some desserts and a charcuterie board..? Extra but sweet.

We settled in bed, luckily Conan brought me a pair of his pj pants so I wouldn't be uncomfortable in my jeans. Conan was surprisingly paying attention to the movie, me on the other hand...I was tired from today. "If I was her I would've-" "cone-"
"Hm? Yea?" I took a second to admire the boy in front of me, it's crazy how good he's aged, it's the hair.

"I'm going to sleep" I reached over to play with his hair, smiling before messing it up. "The disrespect-" he fake cried, turning off the tv and taking my hands around his waist. Of course he wants to be the little spoon, unfair. "Wow, little spoon again?" I mumbled. "I realized how uncomfortable it is to have you sleep on top my arm you know" I rolled my eyes, putting my chin on his shoulder and holding him tightly. I never wanna leave.

Hehe I love Athena and Conan they need a ship name 😭❤️

Wrote this for my dear friend Mel, hope you love it 😭 also I hope this met your expectations cause...I TRIED TO PUT AS MUCH AS YOUR IDEA IN IT AS POSSIBLE 😭🙏

Word count: 1830

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