The Ojamashimasu River

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The sunlight hit Izumi's face and caused her to wake up. She gently put Nadia's arm away and sat up on the bed. She looked at the others lying on the floor in their sleeping bags, one of them was empty: Beeja's sleeping bag. Izumi washed her hands with soap and then her face in the tiny dirty restroom that was connected to the bedroom. She tiptoed out of the bedroom and walked downstairs. Her body felt sore like she overdid herself at a workout. When she was at the ground floor she looked around: There was no one but Beeja and the bartender from the night before. Beeja was sitting on a barstool, Izumi joined her. Izumi looked at Beeja, then at her goblet which had a transparent liquid in it.

"Isn't it a bit too early for drinking?"

"Good morning to you too Izumi."

Izumi rolled her eyes, "Good morning."

"Don't be so sulky. It's water. I'm not crazy enough to drink before an adventure."

"An adventure?" Izumi affronted her, "This is a mission, our duty."

Beeja flippantly took a sip from her goblet, "It's your duty as a soldier, not mine."

"Don't you care about your country?"

Beeja looked miffed, "My country never cared about me."

"What's that-" Izumi was cut short when the bartender asked her if she needed anything, she ordered a goblet of water. She never finished her sentence. When she got her water, Felipe came downstairs and sat next to Beeja.

"Good morning." They said sleepily.

"Good morning little one."

Felipe sighed, "Don't call me little one Beeja."

She played with their dark blonde curly hair, "Why not? It suits you."

"I'm not little!" Felipe was vexed.

"Okay you big bad banshee."

Izumi heard Nadia's voice coming from the staircase so she turned around and saw her coming down with Stellan. There seemed to be some affection between them, Izumi thought. It was good that they were getting along but they shouldn't form attachments, they were on duty after all. Everything had to be professional. Izumi ordered breakfast for them all and they sat at a table near the bar. Izumi sat between Nadia and Beeja.

"After breakfast we cross the Ojamashimasu River."

"And after that?" Felipe asked shyly.

"After that we have to be extremely cautious because we are going to be on enemy territory."

"Lucky for you all I know the enemy territory well since I've done many jobs here and there." Beeja said confidently.

"You make it sound like a piece of cake but I wouldn't be surprised if the cake was spoilt." Stellan noted.

"Ouch witch, don't you trust me?"

"Of course not, you're a mercenary and we've just met."

Beeja clutched her heart and pretended it hurt, "I'll remember this."

Their food arrived and they ate slowly this time because none of them was ready for the road ahead of them. After they finished they went to their room and packed up their bags. Beeja paid for their one night stay. They left the horses behind because they wouldn't be able to cross the river on a brow-boat. Although it was early, the citizens of Toredazutaun were wide awake and ready to trade. The streets were bustling with tradesmen and customers. The military group caught people's eye as they passed by. Izumi didn't mind it but she could see that it bothered Nadia, she never liked to be the center of attention. The eyes on her were piercing her skin. Izumi held her hand to support her. Nadia looked at her with a bitter smile. Izumi squeezed her hand softly as they went into narrow deserted alleyways. When they reached the docks of the river they could still hear the scintillating town behind them. Beeja talked with one of the dockworkers and she got them a small brow-boat. It was enough to fit them all. They cramped up in the boat. Nadia and Izumi started rowing. They watched the zest of the town fade away slowly as they left the listless harbour. Nobody in their right mind would cross the river to the enemy country so the harbour would always be empty. Once they got on the boat everything went quiet. Nobody talked. They all watched the shining waters. Izumi rowed the boat slowly, she was being careful but at the same time she was scared and didn't want to arrive at her dangerous destination too quickly. She wouldn't admit her fears to herself so she came up with the excuse of caution but deep down she knew she didn't want to cross that godforsaken river. Izumi felt a shiver down her spine, she tried to shrug it off. Izumi focused on rowing and felt her muscles starting to get sore but she still pushed forward. When the harbor behind them shrank, the water suddenly undulated in front of them which made Izumi stop rowing.

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