Two. Nice to meet ya

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**chapter song Nice To Meet Ya- Niall Horan which can be played while reading above.


It's early December and tomorrow I leave to go home to England for the holidays. I'm excited for a break, even though I know I'll get antsy after a few days of doing nothing. I don't know what it's like to sit still for very long.

Today I'm tying up loose ends for work before I leave and one of those loose ends is meeting Nicholas Sparks at my attorneys office to go over the film offer and some details for Dreamland. I'm being offered 3 million initially for the role and a percentage of box office sales which will depend on how successful the film is.

Filming begins in April and will wrap late August I'm told. We will be filming in Florida and North Carolina I'm told. Cameron Crowe will be directing and Nicholas is acting as the producer. Mine will be the first contract signed and as far as I know the other roles are still being cast.

I'm looking forward to spending spring and summer filming at the coast and I'm going to use the time to write for my next album. Film sets can get pretty lonely so I need to occupy my time as best as I can.

I had a pretty messy breakup with my last girlfriend. She was the director of one of the movies I'd been in and we were together nearly 2 years. I can't really pinpoint the defining reason for our breakup, it just wasn't working anymore. I'm not very good at relationships. I think I have some sort of issue where I apparently don't give enough to the relationship. At least that's what they all say. That's funny considering I give 1000% to my music. Maybe a musicians one true love is simply the music itself.

Nicholas and I arrive within a couple of minutes of each other and I like it when people are on time. It shows respect for the other person. He tells me how impressed he was with my 4 am email and that he thinks I can really bring a lot to the role of Colby. He also hopes I can take something away from the role as well for my own personal reasons.

He mentions a few names that are screen testing for the supporting roles and I assume he's waiting to give me the big names for the love interest role I'll be paired with.

I just want to do the film with no drama considering how dramatic the last film became. What a train wreck.

"So I have a question for you Harry." Nicholas begins.

"You like asking hard questions." I remark.

"Hear me out on this one Harry. I have someone in mind for the role of Morgan. I personally think she'd be perfect, there's one problem though."

"What's that?" I ask.

"She's not an actress."

"Excuse me? Not an actress? What do you mean?"

"Meaning she's never done acting. I know it sounds crazy, but I think she's our Morgan. She's going to be reading for Cameron and I next week."

I'm taking in everything he's just said and I honestly think he's lost his mind. I know everyone has to start somewhere and everyone has their first role, but this just sounds crazy.

"Does she want to be an actress?" I ask.

"Nope. She owns a bookstore." Nicholas says as he shifts in his chair.

"I'm sorry- she does what?" I need to hear this answer again to clarify what I think I just heard.

"She owns a bookstore."

Fucksake. What have I gotten myself into?

"Hear me out on this Harry. So I was in her bookstore several months ago to do the signing and press for the book and I arrived early and met her and honestly I just adored her immediately. She is a fan of my work and knows all of my books from front to back and we talked about Dreamland and I just saw her. I saw Morgan Lee. "

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