eighteen: this is it

Start from the beginning

The trident was like apart of her. To Katia, using a trident was like walking, you don't have to think about it, you just do it.

Once she finally got out of the water and in the centre, she could spot Katniss Everdeen following behind her brother Finnick.

This would've been a great opportunity to throw something at her, killing her immediately but she was currently unarmed.

With realising that, she immediately started grabbing a couple throwing knives to defend herself as she looked around for the remaining trident.

Once her eyes landed on the weapon, she wasted no time grabbing it and swinging it around. It had been a few days since she had touched a weapon, so she needed to take a moment to remember everything.

"Odair!" A voice nearby called out to her.

Out of pure instinct, she grabbed one of the throwing knives she had on her and threw it in the direction of the voice.

"Woah! You almost hit me with that!" They spoke again.

Once Katia got a good look at the person, she recognised it as no other than Gloss. He had a sword with him that he used to block the knife from Katia's deadly throw.

"Let's go, we're the only ones left on the cornucopia." He spoke again before turning back around and running around the corner. Katia followed behind as he led her to where Brutus, Enobaria and Cashmere were.

"Tia!" Brutus announced as he turned to face her.

"Hey." She replied dryly as she looked over at her right spotting three tributes running away.

"Is that... No fucking way" She spoke to herself, beginning to run after spotting one of them to be Katniss Everdeen. Unfortunately for her, Brutus' grip on her wrist stopped her movement as she turned to face him while trying to remove herself from his grip. Lucky for him, Katia's strength was nothing compared to Brutus'.

"What are you doing Brutus we need to go after them!" She yelled at him.

Brutus just shook his head while keeping his grip on her. "No Katia. It's not worth it we'll have plenty of time to kill them later. Plus your brother is one of them three and if you missed by just an inch, you would kill him." He explained.

Katia turned around to watch them as they got out of the water and started running into the forrest. She groaned and shook her hand off of Brutus' grip that loosened after he saw that she wasn't going to go after them.

Katia walked past them to sit behind them as she placed her trident down beside her and buried her face in her hands as she took a second to think.

"What's up with you? Mad you didn't beat your high score of 11 kills during the bloodbath?" Gloss joked as he stood to her left, standing up and leaning on his sword.

Not in the mood for his jokes, Katia huffed and turned around and grabbed one of the knives sitting on top of a crate and slashed Gloss' right leg with it.

He yelped as the other three quickly got up to face them. "You bitch!" Gloss yelled as he clung onto his sword and tried to hit Katia with it.

Unfortunately for him, she was faster and stood up to move away from him as Cashmere quickly got infront of him and to calm him down. "Brother what are you doing!? You can't kill Katia!" She yelled at him.

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