Chapter Seven

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Aguni, I have to go," he said, quickly hanging up the phone and entering the coffee shop. There was a long line at the counter and many of the tables were taken, but now that he was inside the building he could see the person clearly. Genji was sitting at a table deep in the shop. He was sitting with an elderly man. From his position, Asato could see that it was the elderly man who was mostly talking and Genji was listening to him. Except...

Shimada looks sullen. What is that old guy saying to him?

Asato moved deeper into the shop, pausing at the glass case and pretending to ponder over the croissants and scones. But having moved closer, he strained his ears to hear the conversation occurring between Genji and the older man.

"I'll send you the money."

Asato paused. Money?

"Thank you, Grandfather," Genji said.

Oh. Grandfather. Asato relaxed and smiled as he straightened. Shimada's with family. I won't disturb—

"You're a lot like your father."

Asato stiffened, and the smile faded. He didn't like Genji's grandfather's tone with that statement.

"Grandfather...?" Genji responded with a soft tone. The tone made Asato stomach turn, and he frowned deeply as he turned to stare intently at their table. What's going on over there?


"Sixteen years of no contact, and in our very first interaction you demand money of me. I would say that I was surprised, but I'm not."

It was a mistake meeting his grandfather. Genji knew that sitting there under his piercing gaze and condemning tone. There was no warmth whatsoever from this person. Only cold contempt.

"I spent a considerable amount of money keeping your father out of prison, and he repaid me by running off to Tokyo, running with Yankis and sending his only child after me to beg for money," Wakou spat out. "It's pathetic, a man of my age supporting the family of my worthless son. It's hardly your fault, you were raised in that environment, but I know a Yanki when I see one. You're a Yanki yourself, aren't you Genji?"

"...I was," Genji admitted quietly. "I'm not anymore."

"You're twitchy, Genji," Wakou pointed out. "Are you going through withdrawal?"

Genji flushed in embarrassment, but before he could say anything Wakou scoffed in disgust. "Now I see. The money you want from me. It's not for groceries, is it? Is it to support a habit?"

"No," Genji quickly protested, his eyes going wide.

"Show me your arms."


Wakou reached across the table and grabbed Genji's arms, flipping them over so that his palms were facing up. He stared intently at the crooks his arms for a long moment. "I-I'm nervous," Genji tried to reason with him. "I'm not—"

"No track marks," Wakou murmured, letting him go. "But that means nothing. I've changed my mind, I'm rescinding the offer. I'm not giving you money to put poison in your body, Genji."

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