Chapter Eighteen Memories Lost

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Sun-Phoenix Palace

Hua Ying woke slowly, she didn't know what time it was nor the day, the last thing she remembers was falling with flames around her.

You are awake asked Chenric as she walked in.

Chenric how long was I gone asked Hua Ying

Two months said Chenric, you've been asleep two months.

But how is that possible? Was I so damaged in my mortal trial that I slept for two months asked Hua Ying confused.

Mortal trial? master what is the last thing you remember asked Chenric

Hua Ying turned her silver eyes and stared at Chenric, you should know, I went down for my mortal trials we were in battle the three great clans got together and fought the Wen Sect for their cruelty, I was stabbed, and I fell. Why was there fire? Did I perhaps fall into fire?

Master, I think it's best I go fetch your mother, do not move said Chenric as she turned to leave.

Chenric has Suibian and the others woken yet asked Hua Ying

They have, they are out in the training hall, said Chenric more confused then left and closed the door.

As she was about to leave the sun-Phoenix palace Xie Lian, Hua Tianshi and Wang Fang walked in.

How did you know I was going to call on you asked Chenric even more confused.

Has my son woken? Asked Xie Lian

Just but what he says is confusing said Chenric and then explained what Hua Ying had said.

My son believes he is in his original fate paled Xie Lian, how is that possible, Wang Fang we need to see him.

You may enter the Fountian Hall, the doors have been sealed, Tai Zi Danxia what of the children asked Chenric

When they arrive let them in said Xie Lian then walked to Hua Ying

A-Ying? Asked Xie Lian as the three walked into the room.

Mother, what are you doing here, this room is forbidden it can hurt your spiritual essence said Hua Ying

Chenric said it is sealed and we may enter replied Xie Lian as he sat next to Hua Ying

Mother where is my brother asked Hua Ying

Brother? A-Ying you have no brother said Xie Lian confused

Yes, I do, my twin, why are you all acting this way and who is that asked Hua Ying pointing to Hua Tianshi

That is A-Shi said Xie Lian, you remember A-Shi do you not.

Hua Ying looked at Hua Tianshi then grabbed his head as the images flowed, that's right A-Shi my twin the one that had the immortality I had sacrificed for groaned Hua Ying what happened mother? why would I do that? why is my head hurting? Who am I? Asked Hua Ying.

A-Ying, you are my son and daughter remember asked Xie Lian, do you not remember anything at all?

I woke up mother, I remember falling into fire, then when you mentioned A-Shi, I know who she is I just do not know why said Hua Ying.

Brother, what of the children asked Hua Tianshi

What children asked Hua Ying. Then passed out and fell onto Xie Lian's lap

Wang Fang came quickly and looked Hua Ying over, then shook his head. Tai Zi Danxia it is what I had said the darkness is thick in his mind. He remembers nothing and is fighting that is why he has passed out said Wang Fang.

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