Chapter Thirteen Valley of flowers

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A-Qing called Hua Ying as he walked into the bird paradise hall

What are you doing here! Growled Wen Qing

Here to lend a helping hand, what should it be guzheng or guqin asked Hua Ying

Guzheng sighed Wen Qing.

Hua Ying went up to the podium and at down at the spiritual Guzheng that was used by Wang Fang, sure Hua Ying created the scores, but it was Wang Fang that played as he listened and corrected where it needed to be corrected, Hua Ying never wanted to touch either because it reminded him too much of Lan Zhan, but it is needed here.

He sat there frozen with his fingers just above the strings and yet he couldn't bring himself to play, Wen Qing saw this and decided to bring the curtain down so that he could not only play but be able to let out his emotions, in FengHuang no one judged or asked questions about why he played for Wen Qing with the curtains drawn, they all knew the history, but no one treated him different to them he was their teacher, their founder and apart of the family that they all needed.

Once the curtains were drawn Hua Ying started playing, putting enough spiritual essence into the score to start the healing process so that they could leave in the morning, he did not want them here, as he played the tears ran down his face as he remembered the score he had played when he first took Lan Zhan to the red-light district, he remembered that night with clarity, whenever he touched a zither this pain is what he felt, every time after each melody the strings would shatter as his heart and he would scatter into his butterflies and leave and sit in Tonglu's Kiln waiting for the next opponent to make their way in, sometimes it would be the mountains that would attack him so he could unleash his pain, he knew what it was doing to him and he knew how to heal but it was hard to face the man that betrayed him not only in flesh but heart and soul as well. The words he spoke still rang in Hua Ying's ears:

I have never loved you; it was all a trick you used, you disgust me, I wish I had never met you; I am glad your demons have been exorcised now there is no trying us together. I want you to leave my sight and never show yourself in front of me again because if you do, I will kill you!

He is here now and no one knew, if they knew I wouldn't be here 

Once the score ended Hua Ying heard Wen Qing sighed and muttered her thanks.

If you want me, I will be in the passionless valley checking on my uncle said Hua Ying as he scattered and left to the border of Fenghuang.

He could've flown but why when the walk was better, in the midmight sky when life was sleeping, everything was always better. it also meant that they would have left by the time he returns the would be gone as the run reached its peak.

Sect leader bowed Lan Zhan as he came in.

If you are looking for A-Ying he had just left said Wen Qing as he turned and looked, she saw that his ears were still bleeding, and that Hua DiSung was just about to walk up smiling mischievously.

DiSung, a moment said Wen Qing as Hua DiSung made his way to her.

Is Sect Leader Lan here as well asked Wen Qing

Yes, Aunt Qing he is in mother's room with father said Hua DiSung

If anyone wants me, I shall be there for a time said Wen Qing as she grabbed her medical supplies and dragged Lan Zhan along with her.

I am not sure if you have noticed that when A-Ying is in his phoenix form her screech is deadlier than her claws you and your brother are busy deviating explained Wen Qing

I have not noticed said Lan Zhan

No, you wouldn't as Wang Fang gave you a potion but unless we deal with it you will weaken, and your brother will die said Wen Qing as they reached the doors of the Inn.

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