Chapter Two Deceit

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Two months later

After what had happened at the engagement Banquet, ZeWu-Jun ended his would-be engagement that very day, he had told his uncle and brother that he was going to seclude himself from the world and with a heavy heart that is what ZeWu-Jun did.

Lan Zhan in turn went night hunting alone. He did not want to return to Cloud Recesses as there were to many memories, he could not get rid of, even after he had destroyed all of Hua Ying's belongings, he tried burning down the cottage but the fire died as it ignited, he tried breaking it down yet it held fast, the blue Gentian flowers died that night as well, the night Hua Ying was banished, that night he had thanked them all.

That same night that Hua Ying was banished Lan QingHeng-Jun also vanished all that was left was a short note:

"This is no longer my family, and you are no longer my sons, your mother would be ashamed and die if she were living and I thank the heavens she is not because I regret deeply.

Lan QingHeng-Jun"

Walking once again into cloud Recesses after receiving a note from his brother he couldn't but wonder, why is it that his heart and mind was split? why did his actions followed his heart while his mind screamed what he did was wrong? Why in that moment he wanted to say no to Jin Guangyao when he had asked about the apparent children and when he was in front with the chains why had he wanted to protect Hua Ying? Why were there tear marks on the letter of his father? And why had it broken him to know his father had once again left them? Why is it that he still felt that part of him wanted to die? He entered the Hanshi and bowed to his brother and uncle; ZeWu-Jun was still looking broken from when Hua Ying had some something to him but there he sat.

"I thank you all for your honesty, faith and love"

Still rang through Lan Zhan's ears, that was all he heard over, and over ever since he stepped foot once again in the place, he did not want to be in.

Come in Wangji and be seated please said ZeWu-Jun as Lan Qiren sat silently. Once seated ZeWu-Jun placed the silent charm around them, what I want to tell you should leave this room said ZeWu-Jun as Lan Zhan nodded and Lan Qiren of a sip of his tea.

After what happened at the ceremony, uncle and I have been receiving letters, that stated that what we did was break an innocent man, they became angrier as time went on then last week a new one came, I do not know who sent the ones to me as they appeared from fire explained ZeWu-Jun as he saw his brother's grip tighten on Bichen, before I explain what was said I need to ask if you would please remove your outer coats and hand them to me.

Lan Zhan and Lan Qiren complied with confused looks as they watched ZeWu-Jun examine the robes then removed some of the stitches and removed the talismans that weren't meant to be there.

XiChen, what is this? asked Lan Qiren

ZeWu-Jun looked at Lan Zhan and replied, we have been deceived he said as he placed a letter onto the table for Lan Qiren to read:

"Look within your robes all your robes, the answers you seek and the truth to my words that you are all BETRAYING, MURDERING BASTARDS will finally come to light, and you shall know who the true monsters are!"

Then Lan Qiren took the talisman and looked them over, then he handed it Lan Zhan who examined it.

This is not his said Lan Zhan

Wangji are you sure asked Lan Qiren

'Mn' replied Lan Zhan, his work whether it is for inviting darkness or anything he always wrote it with love and beauty it would seem more of a painting than this scribble, plus he would add his mark. This does not bare his mark and it is poorly done. As he took out the talisman that was Hua Ying's

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