Is This?

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"May I have a pencil?"

That is how it started, but sadly the pencil didn't work as well as planned: So a marker had to suffice. Well, sitting in a room the mind of the loner man began to crumble and started to create.... For if one's prison could be one's heaven, he should begin to create fast, the faster the better but the slower the more painful.

He looked around and saw only a faint ray of light beaming from a cracked, peeling window, It reminded him of a faint summer breeze when his kids were little and they enjoyed the simpler things in life.....
But got to get back to the present no more getting sidetracked, he had to figure out what he must do to fight against this negative residue that keeps lingering in his mind.

Keep the faith, keep the hope don't let the outside determine the inside if weak one must be strong to still be here is a miracle.
But why fight? Why keep going? I guess we mustn't question things that we will never know. But thinking in a way out of sub-conscience might be a new way of thought. "Please explain?" I, HE, ME thought to myself. "I can't right now, but give me time, let me manifest it to make sense in this reality.

If Every Negative Eventually Makes A Positive Than A Positive Can Make A Negative In Circumstances Not Numbers! For If One Feels A Great Positive, One Can Never Hold Onto That Feeling Forever One Must Come Down Eventually.

      The subject of the matter is how we deal with the emotions that bombard us with many different scenarios and situations that can come into our existence is so random it's like playing the lottery! You play, but rarely win, we just had the emotion of a good rush to satisfy our deep painful brain residues to feel some joy but not too much joy.

     Life is cruel, Life is what we expect it to be nothing new is under the sun. I'm, Us, We, are on a mission to find the thought process re-configured dimension by the High sub-conscience way of thought. Let me tell you The Matrix had the red and blue pill, how about the pill is not fantasy it is generated to make the mind think of new ways to perceive this dimension in a way that is not new but new to you.
The Matrix is a great new way of thought, but I must say any matrix is not a matrix its a reality created by you or by a Grand Creator I like to call God, Yes, faith is only for the human mind because any mind outside of the faith way of thinking is null and void. And their minds of them can't fathom the reality of what's not seen?

We use only a certain amount of our brains, I tend to use mine to think of ways to write in a process I like to call 'Aevum, Human Fold reaction to The Great Creator' or AHF-TGC Thought process, The way we humans think is devolving we are not using our gift of thought the way God intended to use them if you think it is, is there a possibility it came to be? Either by coincidence or by actually happening, let me explain.

I always had a very active mind things I wanted to be in this reality came to be either in them or in that now, for instance, I was part of a music group and we had a bad falling out and one told me I would die, but never happened because I put so much emotion and sub-conscience thought into the two that were hated of me they died months later because I perceived the thought and I made into this worlds dimension to make it so? I know I'm not God, I cannot create anything physically out of nothing, but I can take thought and empower it. In lame man terms, it's like wishing on a star.

                                                The power of manifestation

What is real? Or what we call real, really real? This life is what we make it, so say, but can we change it? Or is all this predestination on what the Great Creator has given us? Time is an illusion it only exists because this is a feeling that must make us realize that we are all dying and are on a limited amount of time. Time is a manifestation that the Great Creator made for us to realize the importance of his Grace we are created and we were created to Gods terms for when man was first created they had direct contact with our Great Creator, God manifested everything we see and know today but when he created mankind the first of our kind manifested the names of everything that the Great Creator allowed him to do. So? Why are we in a lost state of mind that is always cloudy? Can we decide where our life is going to go? We have free will so one must say we can manifest our paths in life, but what is the purpose behind everything we tend to think and strive for?

Side on memoir

Right now it's 1:50 am and I can't sleep, I had such a wonderful day yesterday that I didn't want to end, but remember what I wrote earlier every positive turns to a negative eventually! Why must I go through these trials I need to just keep my thoughts to myself instead of trying to put them in existence by telling others, I just need to do it and not say a thing, but I am constantly needing of my mind to be on stimulants because it's the only way I can control my sub-conscience thinking to be contained and not out of control. I don't do what I do to get high I do what I do to control this mind of mine. But anything I do only can help so much. I need to get back into this realm, this reality, but when I sleep it hinders me when I lay down I start to think about everything and it imprisons me to my negative mildew that lingers in my brain that I can't seem to get out, but I share this with you because I need to, not to only tell you what I am but to guide you on what this mind of mine can think of and do. Creativity is a realm of unknown potential if one does not know how to use it.

Is This What We want to hear?

Hello, I'm Lawrence I'm a man of vision a man of thought could you think like me? What is it that you want to hear? If everything I said so far does not get you thinking then what good am I? Do you want to hear what you want to hear? Or are you here for just amusement? I am what I am and I don't like what I am sometimes not because I'm a horrible person, but because I'm not a stable person: insanity sure got a hold of me... But can one only think of themselves? We live in a society that is all about ourselves "What's in it for me?" Well, sorry it's not always what's in it for me! We are all LiviNumb and are slaves to technology what we all must do is quit being a slave to our phones and social media and video games because it's dumbing and numbing us down! Trust me I should know I was one. All of this has made us weak in thoughts and ways of thinking, we don't create we just make a reality that is thinking for us instead of ourselves. Now, this is the Matrix if this is what you only consume even though I said a Matrix ain't a matrix, but reality, then I guess I must say these are your reality being consumed by the brain-numbing technology and your Matrix is not a matrix because you made it your reality by giving in to not think but to just watch and consume and play games. There must be balance! We should spend time thinking of ways to better understand ourselves and others, we should find the escapes that help us better ourselves and find new ways of thinking.

Dreams and more Dreams

Let me ask you, have you ever had a dream that felt so real that you thought was? Does the Great Creator talk to us through them? I can tell you these dreams are as real even when we wake up but only real on our sub-conscience level, I know this because I have revisited dreams before at different times in my life how can we think that our minds are actually in a different realm? I believe dreaming is a very powerful tool that can show us things about this reality even the Bible had a man who could decipher them! Can you only imagine what kind of info that is transferred from there to here? When we sleep we do not feel pain and when we sleep we do not have full control because if we could do that all the time then we could choose to live there or here and be creators of our destinations where we go and when asleep. Dreams are making events that our minds make

Let's just get out of the normحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن