Aurora's phone beeped a second later "I know where to take it" Aurora said "you're not taking it anywhere" Jax shot down the idea "they're medical professionals Jax they're not gonna buy drugs from a biker" Aurora shook her head "I know what the moneys for me and Zoey will have no problem getting it" Aurora smirked slightly "Aurora" Jax sighed running his hand over his face "don't worry" Aurora stood and pat Jax on the shoulder before leaving the room.


"I'm comin with you" Jax argued following Aurora "just because Zoey can't make it doesn't mean I need a guard to go with me" Aurora argued "too bad let's go" Jax grumbled grabbing his keys off the counter "asshole" Aurora exclaimed following him out the door.

"Hey. How you doing?" Jax greeted the doctor "Jax this is Dr.Percy this is Jax" Aurora introduced the two watching them shake hands before Dr.Percy walked out of the building Aurora and Jax following.

"Experassions good, these are all Alcott labs Jerry nothings generic" Aurora explained to the doctor "these are great" Jerry nodded looking at the bottle "we'll need the money by the end of the day" Jax told him before wincing when Aurora stepped on his foot "I'm not sure if u can get it all still county money lots of red tape" Jerry told him "Take it" Jax said after waiting a minute "get us what you can" Jax handed him the bag "thank you" Jerry nodded at Jax then Aurora.

"Let's go" Jax snapped "would it kill you to say please" Aurora sighed exasperated "it just might" Jax teased "here" he handed her a helmet "no thanks helmet hair" Aurora smiled "oh well" Jax plopped the helmet on her head "lift your chin" Jax told her clipping the helmet "I could have done that by myself" Aurora grumbled "get on the bike" Jax laughed "I will but not because you told me to" Aurora turned to walk towards the bike before she felt someone smack her butt "did you just smack my ass" Aurora whirled around to face a now smirking Jax "whoops" Jax shrugged "I'll get you back for that" Aurora warned him before sitting on the motorcycle.


Jax and Aurora walked into Gemma's hospital room seeing Clay, Gemma and Elliot "our friends here" Jax told Clay "come on" Clay said to Jax and Elliot.

"And then there were two" Aurora smirked at Gemma when the three men left the room.


"What is it?" Aurora asked when Jax pulled her out of Gemma's hospital room "sheriff raided the clubhouse looking for illegal scripts" Jax sighed "fuck me" Aurora grumbled "how did they know" she asked "you tell me" Jax scoffed "you said we could trust that doctor" Jax exclaimed "he wouldn't say anything" Aurora waved him off "well someone did" Jax snapped "i get caught I can do the years but you" Jax scoffed "shut up" Aurora whispered "you wouldn't last a day" Jax shook his head "you know what when Abel's back and all of this is over I'm gonna do something you won't know what it is but I'll go to jail for a little just to prove I could last a day" Aurora snarked "your something else" Jax laughed kissing her before leaving the room.


"What'd you wanna eat?" Aurora yelled from the kitchen "I ordered pizza" Jax exclaimed looking through channels "game of thrones is on" he announced "we're watching it" Aurora ran into the living room "of course" Jax shook his head "when did you order pizza" Aurora questioned sitting next to Jax on the couch "like half hour ago" Jax shrugged before there was a knock at the door "pizza" Aurora smiled jumping off the couch and running towards the door "my wallets on the counter" Jax told her "ya" Aurora said before grabbing her purse and opening the door "uh hi?" The pizza guy stuttered nervously "hi" Aurora smiled "here's your pizza that'll be "$12.55" the pizza guy smiled awkwardly at Aurora "here you go" Aurora handed him 15 bucks "keep the change" she smirked grabbing the pizza box from him "have a nice night" she closed the door.

"Pizza" Aurora exclaimed, placing the box down on the table "thank god I'm starving" Jax smiled while pressing play on the TV "me too" Aurora smiled grabbing a piece and handing it to Jax.


What a cute lil chapter

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What a cute lil chapter

Aurora's outfit this chapter ^ -rose ✌️

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Aurora's outfit this chapter ^
-rose ✌️

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