Chapter 1

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Whoa. That's a big barrel.I wonder what is inside. " Coby said as he moved the barrel

Three pirates appear

"If isn't our favorite loser Coby." One laughed

"Are you trying get away from the action" said a other

"No just getting some provisions." Coby stuttered

The three pirates look at the barrel Coby had in front of him.

"We will take that off your hands. Probably some good booze."

"If Lady Alvida finds out she will punish you." Coby

"She won't find out unless you keep your mouth shut. Do understand." Said with a glare

"Yes" Coby

One pirate decided to open the barrel. He was about to open the barrel until it got destroyed. Coby and the pirates looked at the spot where the barrel was destroyed. There stood a man there. The man was tall, he had silver hair,closed eyes, white and black clothing. The hilt of a blade could be seen under his clothes. He had a smile on his face. Coby and the pirates could tell his smile was fake.

"Who do fuck are you" Yells a pirate

"Didn't parents teach you not talk to strangers. Especially ugly ones like yourself." The man laughs

"Who do you think you are? We're the ruthless Alvida Pirates and-"

"I'm starving. You know where the food is kid?" he asked Coby, ignoring the other two pirates.

"DON'T IGNORE US!" the pirates screamed as they brought their swords down on the man, causing Coby to scream. The man didn't even flinch he took out his own sword. He slices the pirates swords into pieces. The pirates fell back, looking scared. "What was that for now?" just stared in fright before they asked "W-who are you?" "Me. I'm Ichimaru Luffy. Hello." he said before the pirates fled. "Losers." Luffy laughed before looking at Coby. "What's your name kid?" Coby just stared at Luffy in awe before he snapped out of it and answered "M-m-my name's C-Coby."

"Great, so where's the food?" Luffy

"There s-should be a pantry over there." he said as he pointed towards a door, Luffy goes there and gets some food. "You really should leave. Those pirates will be back with their friends to kill you."

"Who were they?" Luffy asked

"Those guys were pirates under the command of the lady pirate Captain Alvida. She's ruthless with that iron mace of hers and she won't hesitate to shatter your skull with it." Coby said as he started shaking in fear.

"Are you one of them?" Luffy asked. He saw Coby look at him and explain that it wasn't by will, but by accidently boarding a boat of theirs, thinking it was a fishing boat and had been brought on as a cabin boy for the last two years.

"Why not leave?" Luffy

"No way. Impossible, impossible. I can't escape from Alvida. Just thinking of what Alvida would do to me scares me so much I could throw up. Nope, nope, nope, no-"

BAM! Luffy's fist shot out, nailing Coby in the head as he fell back clutching it. "Why'd you hit me?"

"Felt like it." Luffy said. Coby just sat back up as he rubbed his head. "Heh. Well I'm use to it anyway. All the other pirates on her ship smack me around for laughs."

"So you're a coward and a weakling huh?" Luffy said with a laugh. "I hate people like you." Coby just hung his head in shame. "Way to state the obvious Luffy." he said before looking back at Luffy. "So Luffy, what made you go out to sea?" "To become King of the Pirates." He had to hold back his laugh at Coby's face.

Ichimaru LuffyWhere stories live. Discover now