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Jennifer's P.O.V

I didn't expect to crumble in the middle of a professional moment, but I guess that's what happens when you mix professional with personal. He was in front of me, just an arm's length away, sitting on a stool, filming but watching too. I was doing the lip sync shots for the Marry Me video and I got to feel the lyrics in a way I hadn't felt before. Singing it in such an intimate way in the studio, it felt like singing to him, because I felt what I was singing. I knew I was really seeing forever, in his eyes, in Ben's eyes. I was in love, that was undeniable. My eyes welled up unexpectedly and although the playback continued, I couldn't. My voice broke and the tears started streaming down my face uncontrollably. Ben turned off the camera. The moment became more intimate than it was planned.

"Come here." He said standing up and leaving his camera on the stool.

I took off the headphones and walked straight into his embrace. My shelter.

"I know." He said kissing my head.

"This song hits different now." I said in a teary voice.

There was silence for a moment. The only thing I could hear was his heartbeat in his chest, like a melody composed to be a reminder of what made it beat that way.

"I should've married you. You were the right one and I shouldn't have allowed them to destroy what we had." I said with my face still on his chest.

"They didn't destroy what we had. It lasted over time despite the distance, despite the people that got in our lives. Nothing could destroy what we have, not even time." He said holding my face between his hands.

I nodded placing my hands on his and kissing one of his palms.

"Can we hug a little longer?" I said like a little girl.

"We can hug forever if you want." He replied. "But I'm gonna need a break to pee." He said and I started to laugh at his unexpected answer.

"I'm gonna need that break too. Let's go." I said.

"I'm gonna pick my camera." He said.

"Are you gonna bring it?" I asked amused.

"Yeah." He answered.

"You're crazy." I gave him a kiss.

He walked behind me, filming me as I walked through the hallways of the building.

"Okay. You can turn it off now." I said as I walked in the restroom. "Is it off?"

"Yep." He said.

"That's a lie!" I said popping my head out with toilet paper in my hand.

"Adorable scene." He said laughing.

"There's no chance that part will go in the video." I said still not being able to stop laughing.

"We'll see about that." He said.

"Maybe I should hold that camera for a while." I said in a teasing tone.

"Oh... this belongs to the director. You hired me. I have to be professional and not let anyone touch my work tool." He said in a funny tone.

"Baby, if you wanna seem professional... stop filming my booty." I said causing a funny shy smile on his face.

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