First Love

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Jennifer's P.O.V

I woke up early in the morning, when the sun's first rays invaded the room through the immense windows. I took my phone from the pillow and for the first time I was aware I wasn't wearing my engagement ring. It was probably still on the sink from when I took it off before the shower. That was the first time I forgot to put it back in my finger.

Ben had kept his promise. The call went on for another hour after I closed my eyes. Then he hung up. But before going to sleep, he sent a text.

"Looking forward to the next call." He texted.

That was the first text of the chat. We had been emailing each other since early February to make it more discreet but it didn't seem to matter anymore. I really burned for him. And something deep in my heart told me I had never stopped loving him. My first heartbreak. My first love.

With the beginning of April also came the last days of shooting. Last takes. Last details. I was dying to see the cocos after being away from home for so long. Many things were about to change and I was already hoping to get the courage to face it all.

Part of the crew and cast had already left the set. They were home, which seemed like a dream to me. That week I lived the most stressful moment of the trip. It was just a minute but when I saw Alex with my phone in his hand my heart skipped a beat. He walked fast into the set after finishing a scene and stopped right in front of me handing me the phone.

"You've got a message from Ben." He said and I'd swear all the blood of my body had drained.

"What?" I asked with a small voice.

"That producer that left a few days ago. Wasn't it his name?" He asked.

"Yeah! True." I rushed to say. "I'm still in character." I faked a laugh and took it from his hand.

"See you for lunch?" He asked looking confused.

"Sure." I said and smiled. "See you later."

"Right." He said and just left.

The moment he turned around I checked my phone to read that message that Alex had already read.

"Last days!" He texted.

That's all! I screamed inside my head. He texted me to say two words! Two damn words! I wanted to punch him, and I wanted to kiss him.

The shooting continued without more interruptions. I was very focused and I didn't fail a take. Soon it was lunchtime and Alex expected me so I had to at least show up.

"Hey." I said sitting in front of him.

"Hey." He replied putting his phone down on the table. "So?"

"What?" I raised my look to him.

"What is it?" He insisted.

"What do you mean?" I asked as my body slowly stiffened.

"You are... acting weird." He said making it hard for me not to look away.

"I'm not." I said in a friendly tone.

"I feel like you've been avoiding me." He explained. "We haven't had sex in weeks." He whispered.

"You know we've had some intense shooting sessions these last weeks. I'm exhausted." I said reaching for my glass of water and taking a sip.

"Are you...? You know... are you pregnant?" He asked and the water I intended to drink came out of my mouth in surprise, making me cough uncontrollably.

He handed me a napkin and I used it to dry my face.

"Is that a yes?" He asked.

"No!" I raised my voice. "Of course I'm not."

"Okay." He breathed in relief. "I think I started thinking you were acting weird as this idea grew in my mind."

"Yeah. Most likely." I mumbled.

"I'm glad this trip is coming to an end. We're going home." He said with a smile.

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