In The Morning

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Jennifer's P.O.V

It was very early in the morning but, how was I supposed to sleep having him in my bed? Instead, I was leaning against the headboard staring. I could still feel every touch on my skin like flashbacks coming and going with a powerful intensity.
I couldn't help but smile at the view of him sleeping on his stomach, naked and barely covered by the blanket that only hid his legs and part of his cute blinding white butt. I was so caught up in the moment that I missed him opening his eyes.

"Hey." He said in a low voice.

"Hey." I bit my lip in a naughty smile.

"Like what you see?" He asked tilting his head back to see what I was looking at.

"I wasn't staring." I grinned.

"Yes, you were." He laughed. "I can get used to it."

He was close enough to kiss my arm.

"Good morning." I said rubbing his beard.

"Good morning to me." He said between kisses.

His lips were now on my ribs as he pushed the blanket away making it fall on the floor. My palms laid flat on the bed when he took one of my legs and crawled under it letting it land on his shoulder. The intensity of the heat between my legs grew as he leaned in, making me gasp when his lips touched my skin. I exhaled loudly as he played with his tongue between my legs, wrapping my thighs with his arms as the rest of my legs rested on his back.
The sound of a vibration caught my attention for a second but I ignored it thinking it wasn't important.
My hands gripped the sheets as he remained head down, fully dedicated in giving me full enjoyment. I wanted to move and I wanted to twist but he had a strong hold on me and didn't miss a beat spinning his tongue around.
Again the vibration on the wooden nightstand.

"Ben.. I need to pick up..." My words barely came out and he didn't seem willing to stop.

I reached for it and answered.

"Hel-hello?" I gasped and I could see Ben's expression of amusement.

"Jen?" It was Benny.

I attempted to get up but without his consent. He wouldn't let me leave, tightening his grip on my legs with his forceful hands and keeping them spread apart. I smiled.

"Yes?" I stammered.

"I thought you were coming today, to write the statement." He said in a surprise tone.

Trying to focus on what he was saying to me, I found myself distracted by Ben's tongue.

"Fuck..." I groaned.

Rolling my eyes I dug my nails into the wooden headboard.

"Jennifer? Are you okay?" Benny asked.

Incapable of speaking as my body shook, my phone nearly dropped out of my grasp. Ben continued the enjoyable torture with the tricks performed by his tongue. My body took over and my legs tried to close on him.

"Jennifer? Are you still there?" Benny remained on the other side.

I released my hand from the headboard finding comfort on the top of his head, digging my fingertips in his hair. My mouth was wide open, unable to close as I was holding back all kind of sounds.

"Should I call later?" He asked.

"Finishing my workout! I'll call you back!" I screamed into the phone and hung up right away.

Still not stopping he continued until the end of the game for the most pleasant release, now free to enjoy it loudly.

"Did he realize?" He asked laughing as he laid the side of his head on my belly.

"If he realized he will never tell me." I answered stroking his beard.

"Maybe next time." He said.

"No! That won't happen again." I tried to stay serious but the situation was fun and exciting.

"How's your breathing?" He asked sitting up.

"Recovering." I joked.

"Great, because I'll be right back for round two." He said standing up.

"That's a view..." I said as he walked away from the bed.

"And it's all yours, baby." He winked.

I still couldn't believe how good he looked.

"Mom!" I heard Max saying from downstairs.

Ben turned around to look at me and I jumped out of bed. Took the blanket from the floor and threw it on the bed. Then I picked his clothes that were scattered all around the room and tossed them against his chest.

"Dress up!" I whispered. "I'm gonna kill Leah."

"Is Leah here?" He asked looking at the door.

"No! Don't come out of the room. Not until I make sure the kids are not around." I said putting on my bathrobe that was hanging in the bathroom.

"Okay. I'll be waiting. I wanna say hi." He said still naked.

"Dressed up." I said looking down and containing a smile that ended up showing.

I left the room closing the door behind me but not before stealing a kiss from him. I rushed downstairs barefoot.

"Hey!" I said opening my arms wide to hug them. "Did you have fun last night?"

"They had fun while I did their homework." Leah said and they laughed.

"Is that true?" I asked in a funny tone.

"Not all of them..." Emme giggled.

"Okay. You two go finish your homework. Leah will tell me everything you did last night." I said and they both grimaced before heading to their rooms at a very slow pace.

When they were far enough I turned to Leah.

"What are you doing here so early?" I asked nervously.

"No sex huh." She crossed her arms. "I counted on it but I thought he would be out by now."

"Did you think I was gonna kick him out?" I asked surprised.

"Hey Leah." Ben said walking down the stairs.

"Ben!" She said more than happy to see him. "Is your shirt backwards?"

And of course he looked down to check.

"Funny." He said and hugged her.

"I'm glad you're back around." Leah said winking at him.

"Not more than I am." He joked. "It was nice seeing you. We should have dinner some day."

"Looking forward." She said as I walked with him to the garage.

His bike was already dry but his jacket was missing. I had thrown it somewhere the previous night but I couldn't remember where.

"I promise I'll find it." I said with an awkward smile.

"I'll have a reason to come back." He said stretching his arm to reach my waist and pull me closer.

"I hope it doesn't take me long then." I said very close to his lips.

"Au revoir." He whispered.

"Do you speak French now?" I giggled.

"No, but I kiss French." He said in a sexy tone.

I parted my lips and he claimed my mouth, hungry and intense until my legs gave in. He invaded all my senses.

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